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Three chapters this week! They take us into brand new territory, but this is only one component of this novel, not a new direction.


(Moved to RoyalRoad.)



Damian's mirrored sunglasses make me more suspicious of him. Especially in this update where he puts them on just before greatly increasing his aura. I'm guessing he has demonic eyes when he uses certain powers. Do half-demon half-humans exist? If so, I'm guessing that is what Damian is.


Huge no comment on half-demons. ^-^ It's not going to be relevant this book, but it's a good question.


Oh no! I hope Rick is not going to have a child with a succubus!


Yeah, Rick is meant to be together with Melted Frog B for sure!


So I’m confused about something mentioned a few chapters back when he was looking for a place to rent on how being a fighter is no longer a sought out profession. Why did the lawyer arbitration in the first book take on the form of combat? I assume that isn’t normal if not everyone is a trained fighter.


Unrelated question which you may have answered before: are you planning on releasing Street Cultivator 1 in Audible? If so, any non-binding generic timeline?


My intention was that it's a society in transition, with many old combat-based customs but also modernizing elements that render those obsolete. Arbitration is a complex affair, and in many cases people hire representatives instead of fighting themselves. That option isn't available to poor families like Rick's, however.


Travis Baldree has finished recording the audio, but it's up to Tantor as to when it will be released. Early 2020, I believe.


it makes sense. even in our world, duels where still common less than 200yrs ago and our history is is not entirely based on martial strength. I'm more surprised that their combat sports are not more mainstream. I'd imagine their version of soccer or basketball would be some form of combat sport with kids all over the world working hard to be athletes.


Combat sports are a thing! Rick isn't into them, but I've tried to allude to them a few times because they'll be a focus of the third book.


Do you have a downloadable file for the chapters in book 2?


this is getting so interesting. I didn't see this coming at all, there were forshadowing, but not obvious, and the humor is on point. This is climbing up my cultivation novel list(probably 3 or 4 as of this chapter)