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Hello, everyone! Unless you're just completely uninterested in book covers, please vote in the poll on this post to let me know which cover you like best.

Ideally I'd like people to vote on which cover they like best in theory. If you like the concept of one cover best, but have a minor complaint about the art or text, vote for it and just let me know your specific thoughts. I'd like to collect some hard data, but comments are welcome as well.

The Covers

Action: https://i.imgur.com/jtkQsUI.png

Landscape: https://i.imgur.com/6TnrNOZ.jpg

Object: https://i.imgur.com/9Q1zy7P.jpg

Path: https://i.imgur.com/DNgCSFD.png

Split: https://i.imgur.com/n7aKLC1.jpg

Sumi: https://i.imgur.com/9gElgps.png

Anyway, on to your scheduled chapters!


(Moved to RoyalRoad.)



It's gotta be path. The others look cool, but... generically cool. Path immediately makes me go "what the fuck is going on, I have not seen anything like that before" -- it is *distinctively* cool.

Han Pol

The path looks nice concept wise, but I think that, it looks a bit broken togehter the elements in it not quite fitting together.. the contrast between each element a bit to stark in my option, it doesn't quite look like one coherent art style, not bad, mind you. Aside from path and Sumi the others look fairly generic, while still cool.


Thanks for the feedback! Those kinds of mixed feelings about Path were exactly what I was asking for with my explanatory paragraph.


You can put multiple pictures together with Imgur so that people can click on one link and see all the pictures. Much more convenient than having to click on six different links.


My bad failing to do so, but since I've copy-pasted those in every version of the poll...


Sumi is a cut above all the other ones. Also, nice chapter once again!


Every time I hear about Rick trying to save 100,000 lucrim for a damage deposit, I wonder why there is no applicable insurance in this world. Is there a reason this world lacks homeowner's or renter's insurance?


Damian is a name perilously close to 'demon'. From the strange interest Damian has shown in Rick, I am beginning to think Damian is somehow trying to get something from Rick that some demon wants. Maybe it is related to Rick's friend who made a demon contract, or possibly his sister's void flame. But if that is the case, then Damian is really playing a long game, since he has mostly helped Rick so far. Maybe the idea is to make friends with Rick and then trick him after Rick trusts him?


Sumi is the most unique, but I voted for Landscape since it's the only one that relates to the story so far. Visually unique yet related to the story are the parameters by which I'd select. Rick isn't a mystical sword wielding xianxia protagonist, he's a real guy in a cyberpunk xianxia world. I think you should run with that, since that's your unique selling proposition. And with brutal honesty none of these concept covers touch on any of that.


Being an active fighter is like being a public arsonist. Insurance does technically exist, but the rates are very high.


These covers are for an unrelated book. The cover for Street Cultivation 2 will be Rick and Emily.


Well, the thing is that the definition of "active fighter" seems awfully loose if Rick is now considered an active fighter. The pool of people with lives like Rick should not be such a high risk of trashing an apartment to the tune of 100,000 lucrim. So it seems like insurance should be roughly equivalent to full auto insurance (including liability) for a teenage male in our world. They are risky, but insurable, with high rates but not too high.


Oh! That explains why the title didn't mention Street Cultivation at all... oops! haha Then I agree with Han Pol about Path having potential but Sumi being the best. I would like the letters to be right-side up and going downwards, but that may be because I'm used to it from Japanese.

Alexander Dupree

Sumi is fucking awesome. So is the demon relm.


I think his apartment would make for a good backdrop. Maybe with implied martial arts and lucrim stuff.

Sebastian Viller

I like Sumi the best, but don't know if it would be the most liked cover for the general reader demographic. Path or Landscape are more stand-out and contrast/visually appealing.

Jeff Petkau

The gore in Path was too much, but I liked the composition so much that I voted for it anyway. (Also, I hadn't read the New Game Minus books, but I kept wondering about the characters in the art so I finally did. (1) So good! (2) There's one data point that just your character art will sell a book.)


The art doesn't get many comments, so I'm glad to hear this! And glad that you enjoyed the books, of course. ^-^


I've followed you here from r/fantasy :-p (really sad to see the poll getting deleted there - hope you got a bunch of results before it was taken off) Just to reiterate how I felt: I think Sumi is the most striking and would fit a wuxia-esque epic fantasy and reminds me a bit of the sweet Legend of the Six Rings fanfics I read ages ago. I really like the Landscape art but I think the tone is so different to the other covers Path is a cool concept but the quality of the art just doesn't compare to Landscape or Sumi (I think someone on Reddit made a similar comment but better worded and had the same criticism for action and split) No one's even mentioning object which is probably good as it's so generic. I would've thought it belonged on a historical fiction as opposed to fantasy. (and now to catch up on all these new Street Cultivation chapters!!)


Neat, glad to have more people from r/fantasy! Yes, it's disappointing that the poll got deleted. I got 124 votes and many comments, so that's useful data, but I wonder how many more I would have gotten if it had stayed up for a decent amount of time. Anyway, thanks for the feedback! I hope you enjoy reading my work here. ^-^

Runcible Technician

The Devil went down to Georgia... to martial arts battle a young man. The small differences that show this worlds combat focus... How intense must battle of the bands competitions be in this world. Would there be lucrim enhanced music-fighters?


Haha, you're the first person to mention that detail. There are definitely lucrim-using musicians, though obviously some normal ones exist as well.


Hey Friends! New Backer here- burned through Book 1, Book 2's Chapters on RR and had to see what was next. Loving this world so far and will be curious about the journey ahead. -- on the book covers I'm a fan of Split and Sumi as they're unlike other fantasy art cover's ive seen. I think I have seen one slightly similar to Sumi, but nothing with as deep artistic depth. --- on the chapters; I am loving the new romance aspect mainly because I think it's a nice change from Rick's constant fight for money/lucrim/etc... and it's great to see him come in his own a bit-- I'm assuming the Lisa conflict will be resolved eventually, as it stands right now it feels like he had all this buildup and pretty obvious hints that Lisa likes him, and Emily came out of nowhere....


Hey, glad to have you with us! Always glad to get people's thoughts on everything. ^-^ Rick's love life will indeed not be straightforward, but I wanted him to have some other concerns.