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A couple of quieter chapters this time. Rick and Melissa have gotten to rest almost long enough, though...


(Moved to RoyalRoad.)



I like chapters like this.


I'm altogether too amused by the thought of martial art biking. It reminds me of Ranma 1/2


Martial arts delivery biking god that would be awesome


Glad to hear it! I try to make "normal life" moments to give the rest of the story more weight.


Martial art biking is a thing! Rick won't get too deep into it, but I've been wanting to get into it since the beginning. It just feels like something humans would do in a world like this.


There's that but it's also just nice to read about nice fluffy things. :P


Do the additional gears actually allow Rick to bike faster by using more of his lucrim strength, or does it essentially mean that the bike is becoming less efficient, giving him training by using more effort to achieve the same result?


The latter exists, but Rick's bike is letting him go faster (so at the higher gears he could potentially go highway speed or beyond).


Why did the chapter not tell us how much his new bike cost?


"He spent more time looking at the inhabitants of the shop." Are you sure "inhabitants" is the right word there? They live in the shop? :-) Or are they just visitors, customers, guests?


I'm never sure how much financial detail to go into. I try to cover things as it relates to Rick's power progression, but I know people don't want a monthly budget. I'll count your question as a vote for more detail!


Hmm, while I was thinking of the term used in a casual way, you might be correct that it isn't the most precise use.


There is a big difference between a monthly budget and mentioning how much he spent buying a bike when the whole chapter was about buying a bike, what type of bike to buy, how much it cost, etc.


I actually kind of liked that usage. It made the scene feel as though the other shoppers were part of the shop's ecosystem (like people who hang out in hipster cafes or the gym so much that it's hard to imagine them in a different setting.)


If it was a bookstore with a coffee shop, then maybe. Or a gym would work. But a bike store? It does not work. There was nothing mentioned in the chapter that would suggest there was anything for people to do there for hours and hours.


I am pro more economic detail, it gives an important aspect of the world you are building and it would also help illustrate the difficulties the MC is dealing with.


Noted. The bigger economic themes will take a while to come through, but meanwhile I hope people like the occasional smaller elements in Rick's life.