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There hasn't been a lot to say lately since everything has been continuing in a stable fashion, but this month will see some changes.

Most notably, Street Cultivation is entering its final arc and so getting closer to the initial conclusion I promised. When that happens, there will be posts about how we proceed and what chapter frequency everyone prefers. If this is the story you care most about, this will be your chance to have a major influence.

Unfortunately, I have to report bad news on the audiobook front. The narrator who completed the first has been making promises but not delivering, so the second book of New Game Minus is stalled in mid-production. I'm not sure what to do about this.

The three standalone novels and The Brightest Shadow are still future projects. Further editing has been done, though.

That's all for now! New SC chapter later today.



> Most notably, Street Cultivation is entering its final arc Ouch. An actual cultivation story reaching its end before the MC becomes the strongest? That's rare to see! ... it'll be a bit sad not to have SC updates, though. Oh well. :/


The final arc of the first book. I will probably write at least a trilogy, but it depends on how people vote here on Patreon and if the free readers are willing to support the collected book.


SC has such expansive potential that I very much want to see it through to its most ultimate end, however many arcs that will take. 🙂 If that will mean increased output I'd even be willing to pay $5 per month for it, like I do for The Wandering Inn.


Thanks for the vote of confidence in my story! If in the future you feel the series is worth an increased pledge, that'd be very kind, but right now the best thing you can do to help is read/review the collected version of the first book once it comes out on Amazon.


I like this, keep it up. I'm wondering how the MC will gain more cores. Or why... if cores are inheritable, wouldn't some people have dozens? Great great grandma's core? Does any of the previous holder's purpose for the core remain, like a flavor or shadow on the new purpose? Like a defensive core being used as an attacking core, but now the skin on your knuckles doesn't explode off you from punching too hard. Are there non-combat purposed cores? Like synesthesia perception for a cook? It would be nice to know how well an experimental soup is doing without a dozen trial batches. I could just see that it needs more salt.


Cores almost never remain static throughout a person's life and usually their entire portfolio is incorporated into a new core when they give it to the next person. There are definitely family cores that have been passed down through the generations, though that's more of an old-fashioned tradition. If a new core is dissolved into raw lucrim, nothing of its previous holder remains. If it's kept in its original form, it keeps the same general quality (though it could be repurposed). Non-combat cores exist. For example, Lisa has a Transportation Core that covers flying and fast running. Dedicated fighters who want to fly might use something different, but general types are most popular with other professionals. I haven't given thought to anything like a synesthesia core, but I think hypothetically you could make some pretty flexible ability cores. Thanks for the questions!

Tao Wong

Well, I'm good for any series. I'm sorry to hear about the audiobook problem. Is the narrator on royalty share? You might just want to find someone else after letting them know with one last official 'this is your deadline, get it done or else this contract is cancelled'. If it's done through ACX, just let ACX know / cc them in on the initial final e-mail and then the cancellation e-mail to get your work back for production.


Really appreciate your input! The narrator is not on royalty share, but also hasn't received any payment for the second book. This is indeed through ACX. Good to know that it's not hard to cancel on that end. Ideally I'd like to keep the same narrator, since I know that matters to audiobook listeners, but that's seeming less likely.

Satya Prateek

It's a bit surprising to see that this is the final arc of Street Cultivation. I'm so used to xianxia stories progressing till they are destroying planets but it seems like this is going to be the length of a single book. Hopefully there's sufficient patron interest cause I'd love to see more of this story