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Two parts to this post, which you'll see is a good thing.

Skyvenom Update

We are getting closer! I now feel like I can promise this book, though I don't know about the exact dates. More on that later, abstract thoughts first.

After two lengthy books, I wanted Skyvenom to be a little shorter... and it looks like it's going to be another long one instead. >_< It might end up even a bit longer than Wakespire! And to think that I had contingency plans if the book ended up too short.

It might seem odd to say after talking about length, but the book has too many chapters. I've gotten on a rhythm where the individual chapters are shorter than average for this series, which is something I do by gut feeling instead of counting. This is mostly irrelevant for the finished book, of course, but it means the Patreon chapters might not be as satisfying. I may do three chapters some weeks if the normal two happen to be short.

As mentioned, the ninth book intends to have more politics and maneuvering. It also pivots on a big twist that I hope will come off as a Batman Gambit instead of an idiot ball... I don't know, it's something that seems obvious to me, but is hardly ever done in progression fantasy. I realize that you don't know what I'm talking about now, but it reflects my process and you'll see eventually.

Anyway, I intend to release Deathseed and do the big sale in early June. Think I can commit to that. You might also get a preview chapter of Skyvenom, but chapters aren't ready to start yet. I just feel bad that this book has taken so long.

Fiyu's Blueprints 

Meanwhile, since we're running out of weekly posts, we have Fiyu's full blueprints. I placed her newest floor first, since that's the one I figured people would be most interested in, but the others are also available and updated where relevant.

The main thing to remember is that her fourth floor represents her status as of the Battle of Nlukoko, which includes a lot of temporary materials. She still has significant work to do as an Authority, which you will continue to see in the ninth book.

Having the characters slow down at Ruler was intentional, but this lull at Authority wasn't originally planned and I can only hope readers in general don't get impatient. There is definitely a contingent that gets bored if there aren't two ascensions per book, but TWC is what it is by this point. I hope all the developments that I thought shouldn't be cut or abbreviated seem worth it to everyone else too!



Tobias Begley

I think it's only natural for higher teirs to take longer, even if the market may not love it as much. Congrats on getting so far!

Mr. tj333

Anyone remember what Fiyu has in the stamina room?

Mr. tj333

Thank you for the update and blueprints!

That's me!

Thank you for the update. You are awesome what you do.


So, I'm confused by two things. I remember Fiyu's blueprint being described as a pyramid outside of advancement brick stacking several times, particularly when dealing with relative guchiro and the legacy stone. But here it's a pretty straightforward tower. Did I read things wrong for several books, is this referring to an internal structure or what? Second, the explanation for shielding walls, I had thought, said they could hide up to the level they themselves had been built to, but these blueprints and theo's show the walls only being on the first level. ?.?


As far as skyvenom being long, I don't mind. In fact, I'd encourage it, if it doesn't cause you to burn out on the series.


Hell yeah, politics. My ideal progression fantasy is one where personal power and political power are strongly linked together. Too much of one or the other gets boring after a while. None of your works have disappointed in that regard. Even NGM+ considered it even if it wasn't a heavy focus. And the fact that TWC always had political elements makes Skyvenom very exciting indeed. It may not be likely since I don't think this is what a progression fantasy generally wants, but I'm personally hoping on a ton of political intrigue. Deuxan has been built up to be a ruthless chessboard so far. Perhaps now is the time to show that in true detail. Has there really been a lull in Authority? The Ruler tier is what I'd consider a "lull" if I have to call it that, but I loved that it took everyone a while to ascend to Authority because that's like, the point. I'm fully expecting it to take a long time, perhaps even longer, for anyone to ascend to Bupplesniffer. The last Authority ascension was like, a book away. I'm fully expecting Theo to become a Stronghold by the end of Skyvenom, but I can see the party staying at Authority and I wouldn't bat an eye. These are the higher tiers now. Taking more time makes complete sense. That being said, I've always been curious about something. You've mentioned that there will be more than 10 books, but less than 20. I always thought it'll be 18 since that tracks with the theme of nines, but I'm trying to map out a potential trajectory for ascensions, and assuming there will be even longer gaps between tiers as we go on, 18 books seems too little. I realize answering this in any way can invariably spoil some major details, so feel free to simply say you've got a plan or something and say nothing else lol, but I wanted to ask: is the 10-20 book range still true? I can see 18 or 19 books working if we see an average of one ascension per two books, but that rate honestly seems too quick for TWC. As always, happy writing!

Mr. tj333

Fiyu built a pyramid to climb up for ascension, she removed it afterwards.


Other than ascension pyramids, I don't believe anything in Fiyu's soulhome is pyramidal. I don't know, you can find these blueprints going quite a ways back if you're willing to hunt through untagged Patreon. Having any shielding wall provides protection and obscuration for the entire soulhome, and allows you to suppress your visible level by the height of the wall. Levels hidden by the wall are nearly impossible to perceive, while the others can potentially be seen with techniques.


I always assume progressive power (of any kind) comes exponentially, so “oh no” if we have to have lots more story to enjoy. :3


>personal power and political power are strongly linked together This is a huge part of Skyvenom, so hopefully you'll like it! While I wouldn't consider it full political intrigue (which I do hope to write at some point), there's more than any previous book in the series. >Has there really been a lull in Authority? Maybe not yet, but I think people will feel that way overall. >I wanted to ask: is the 10-20 book range still true? I can see 18 or 19 books working if we see an average of one ascension per two books, but that rate honestly seems too quick for TWC. I have a set plan, but the plans aren't rigidly divided into books, so there's some ambiguity. But that is still the general ballpark, yes. There will also be books focused on the Five Transcendent Monuments (that aren't just floors), which I hope readers will be on board for.


so a single level wall is sufficient for casual shielding, and a higher wall is needed for dedicated shielding. kk On Fiyu, I suppose this is a good reason to go back and reread/listen. Speaking of, any idea what the holdup is with Audible?


You're asking about why there aren't more audiobooks? That isn't determined by Audible, it's determined by when Travis Baldree has time to narrate more.


This might be revealing critical key character info to ask, but…. 😉 Do you have Theo down as an actual “Theo” or “Theodore”? (or anything else?) Asking because my brother is an actual “Ben” and goes mad at getting called “Benjamin” all the time.


Okay, I feel like I'm putting undue on importance on a minor detail by never mentioning this, but Theo is actually short for a less common name.

Mark Hunter

Don't feel bad about the book taking "so long" on my account. Narrative integrity takes as long as it takes. Just keep making awesome stories!

Stewart Boyatt

It's an interesting thing. Logically as things like lifespans get longer the tiers must also get wider. Otherwise you would have a world where basically everyone ends up at the top. On the other hand, a big problem with late series advancement is that it really does tend to boil down to "make numbers go up". A character's toolbox is generally filled towards the start of a series and new abilities that are more than "The thing I usually do but better" become more rare.


The toolbox issue is one that I've considered, actually, because I feel like it's more engaging if the characters develop over time. However, given that many of the most popular series have a character develop their basic kit extremely early and then not change it, I wonder if that isn't a feature instead of a bug.


My entire world has been rocked. I will never look at ""Theo"" the same way ever again.

Slightly Morbid

Haha, omg, it just reminds me of how much I have forgotten. Can't remember if you already have done this, but if you have a table with the soulhome materials and their use, it would be helpful.

Slightly Morbid

While the Soulhomes are built for practical use, I just can't stop myself from thinking that if you have an immortality conduit and will have long time before you find a fitting sublime material, you really have a lot of time to spend to make everything beautiful according to own taste, even while not really being more useful. The one Soulhome I really liked as yet is Nanjuma's. He really took his time to make everything nice. With that in mind, I wondered a bit over the spare "gardens". Between the Soulhome and the wall, there's plenty of room just for ornaments, statues, flowers, fountains. I get that there isn't any practical use if there isn't room to keep hold of the Cantae, but I'm thinking more of mental wellbeing. It there a reason why no one has spent even a moment of thought to that space, apart from the strengthening plants.


There is a fan-made Google doc, but I'm afraid I don't have the link on hand. Maybe at the wiki, which I will link you shortly.


Shock reveal later in the series when we find out his actual full name was “Fumpet” all along.

Kris Piskorski

Can't wait for the new book!

Slightly Morbid

I find it most interesting when it gets to "the thing I usually do, but more flexible and down a surprising path". Like when someone has the Dao of Fire, then suddenly instead of using more fire grows into the role that fire has served like cleansing for new growth or being a spark that spreads. It goes from physical to a need of abstract understanding and mental adjustments. Or books when a crafters inventions suddenly gets totally outrageous. It adds a new factor instead of only grinding quests for items.


Hrmm, re-reading this post, I completely missed it in the books that Fiyu has *two* chambers dedicated to her shadows (manifestation + enhancement).. possibly more? I can't remember if the new organ she gained was gained *at* corporeal floor, or if it was just paving the way to allow her body to support one via the room at 3rd floor.