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For this week, we have Theo's blueprints. Updates on his overall designs throughout Deathseed, of course, but also a new diagram of his new blueprint plans for the second cube. If my description wasn't clear enough or you had trouble visualizing the "douel pyramid" pattern, this should help!

Thanks as always to Lamsey for putting these together. I believe I also have Fiyu's update not yet posted? We may not need it, though.

This is a short post, but that's because I'm putting time into what matters. I'm pleased to inform everyone that I should be able to put increasing amounts of time into Skyvenom, so the wait for it won't be too onerous.




On tier 3, inertial void and his clothing don't fit the previous pattern of having technique effects in the corners and unrelated enhancements in the middle rooms. Is this an accident, or on purpose?


I'll admit I had to draw it first for the initial description to make sense to me, but it's good to see his blueprint looks like I thought it did


While unusual, it is intentional. Theo's clothing is an armament, even though it's passive, and thus more similar to a technique.


It’s always fun seeing the updated blueprints!


I’ll be keen to see the cap off, from what I understand this really won’t function at its peak till after dominion. When all 3 upper tiers get a buff from the advancement beyond dominion and are fully complete. So dominion will be a big buff when he actually gets full access to corporeal and ethereal floor effects, then that will be turned up to 11 with the next advancement


This is all accurate analysis, yes. The ascension after Dominion will be an even bigger deal for Theo than to Authority.


Awesome to hear, it’ll be even more exciting to see in action. Itll be interesting as well seeing how it impacts what has been discussed of higher tier soul crafting with letting others into your home. He will have to cook up another cohesive 3 floors that incorporate the other last monuments.


Or an even crazier spitball that hit me is if these two power ups are enough to keep him competitive with other high tier soul crafters he could go for something really crazy like all 3 floors being incorporated into a field monument. Something like all 4 corners representing the field and then linking chambers expanding on its capabilities. May even be the way to bring his singularity into a more usable combat technique


One thing I don’t understand is how the ethereal pyramid will affect his cantre(forgot how to spell) when used, like will it make it harder to use his abilities on those three floors while it’s on cooldown? Actually now that I think about it I don’t actually remember how the ethereal floors work


I think I'm going to have to say "read and find out" on this one, aside from the conversation back in the design chapter. This will be a major thing Theo thinks about in future books. The full description of Ethereal Floors was back in Wakespire. That information might also have been placed in more readable form on the wiki or Discord?


So next.. basement or push on to Stronghold, hrmmm…


Yup, combined wiki for all my books: https://thebrightestshadow.miraheze.org/wiki/The_Brightest_Shadow_Wiki Not a ton of contributors, but some very interesting pages!

Josh Nichols

I think the light and shadow themed linking floors wiil represent Fiyu and Nada’s friendship and its transformative effect on Theo from grouchy old man to Soul Crafter. The Corporeal Floor will represent his youngerself’s potential along with the new chance he’s been given. E = mc^2 implies m = E/c^2 so the light theme makes sense with gravity and with Nada being Tatian. Personally I think he should incorporate part of his original first floor design which brought him the singularity in the first place.. Coming full circle and showing his growth. Also LIGHT POWERED CORPOREAL FLOOR? IM IN!!!. The Ethereal form will represent the bitter old man’s sprit who started this Journey and whose perspective colors Theos worldview and weariness. Shadows are the absence of light and That version of Theo came about in a world with no Cantae. I personally think the ethereal floor transformation should allow for direct control of outside Cantae effects like a sort of spiritual gravity. Together they represent the new person he’s becoming through his relationships and experiences. I think the basement should have time related materials(gravity = curve of spacetime) that flow in an unceasing circle and connect to the singularity pillar. The intense Cantae and material choice, enhance floors 1-3 intensity, relate to the concept of immortality directly, and further relate to the combination of old and new Theo. Plus it could act as a light “drill” that constantly pushes him towards ascension.