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Lovely Morning Friend~!

How've you been? Hope the days been treating you right~ :)

I'm just crawling out of my cave for a bit to share with you some progress in the past couple weeks. A lot of it is grinding animation work. Just like in the two other Dev Grind Devlogs (one and two)  I've got 40hrs~ of timelapse of the work that I'll be sharing soon.

With that, it means like a lot of the new content is kinda boring... but seriously it's work we gotta get done haha.

Other than the grind work, expect more Lore Polls coming soon. More detail in this post, but basically, finishing the dialog means we need more character backstory, and also, I just love the collaboration with you guys~ <3


[ A range of animating expressions and lip-syncing ]


Animation Grind

Like I mentioned, a huge portion of this month's work has been dedicated to animation. This is because voices will be added to the characters soon. You know how weird that would be without lips moving? Like reading a comic book and hearing voices in your head haha (... wait, maybe that would be cool).

I'm planning to post up the 40hr Time-lapse of the work and a little Video Devlog on the process of creating these expressions and mouth animations. So those will be coming up soon!


[ Some of the unique character animations you'll see in the game soon! ]


Deeper Dialog and Character Scripts

So I just realized... In order to get voices in, we need a script of things for the actor to say. So I've gone back into Twine to finalize the story-lines and scripts. The multiple paths and endings are steadily being finalized. With all of this writing finished, we get a better sense of what lines we'll want voice recordings of.

Also, you know how in classic Dating Sims, you ask a girl shallow questions like "What's your boob size?" and you get a one-note answer?

So I've revised the mechanics so that those conversations are just a bit deeper. More complex questions like "Why was Allie travelling through space?" and "How did Trish lose her legs?" are being added and they go deeper than just one-line responses.

Don't worry, I still haven't forgotten this is a porn game, but I'm trying to strike that balance! :D


[ Writing the "Choice Scenes" that determine what Ending you can get ]


[ Asking deeper questions, revealing more backstory ]


What to Expect Soon

Expect the Time-lapse (and video update on the state of the game) and an Animation Devlog Video coming soon. I will also be posting an Updated Build as well. Most of it will be animations, so it'll be light on new functionality, but you can see our characters come to life! 

Also I'll need help with finalizing the character writing so expect more Lore Polls soon. I would love to get your opinions and ideas on our characters!

Anyways, that's all I got for now, thank you for always being patient with me, and I hope you have a lovely day!

- Moosh




Last time I was this early, my girlfriend was disappointed.


My wife is always disappointed :D


LOL at least you can't disappoint waifus :D