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We're shaking things up for this From The Vault entry! This time we're showcasing a concept for a Main Theme that Lead Writer Billy worked on in May 2022!

The track was created after Billy experimented with musical themes and was not initially intended to be submitted as part of the project. However, Billy went on to share an early version of the track on May 2nd and submitted multiple revisions until May 5th. What you’re hearing now is the final revision.

Reception for the track itself was positive, though many of the devs shared concerns that it may not fit with the musical style for the rest of the game. Ultimately it was decided to stick with one Composer for Restitched (Thomas V.), meaning this track remains unused.

Speaking on the track, Billy said:

I really love this piece and I didn't want it to remain unheard in the Trixel vaults forever - so I'm unvaulting it here!
There are a lot of elements I wanted to convey which may not immediately be clear when first listening to it. It begins with an almost ethereal soundscape which slowly builds up, using mostly synths and electronic noises to create a sense of wonder and imagination.
I'm a sucker for electronic noises, so you'll hear them littered throughout the song. I think they really give a dimension to the track and give a sense of activity.
The middle-eight is my favourite bit. The acoustic guitar and drums were intended to resemble Build Mode and a real-world 'construction' presence. I love how the glockenspiel and guitar interact here - focusing on their own unique melodies before coming together at the end to create one tune - hopefully conveying uniqueness and collaboration.
It's fairly short and not a finished product, but I'm really glad this demo finally gets to be heard - and I hope you like it!




Cool concept, bit of a harsh opening on the track but the rest of the piece and I can see the vision, and is an excellent piece 😍😍


Cool track! I agree it does not fit with the others (at least the ones demoed so far), so the decision to not use it makes sense. Still very nice, though!