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On our Discord server we posted a December 2020 community server. In this survey we asked about what our community wishes to see, and the results showed the same recurring request for more transparency and updates on the development of our new original indie game, Restitched. The word "roadmap" was tossed around a bit as well.

We understand the impatience ourselves, but due to the early stage of development and volunteer nature of the project, it's difficult to know when we will hit certain deadlines or have something presentable enough to show to the public. With that said, we have discussed a public roadmap with the team, and we're now bringing that to fruition! This roadmap details some of our Restitched plans for 2021. These dates are now our team's internal goals, and, as can be seen in the image, the roadmap plans are separated quarterly (every 3 months of the year).

It's important to emphasize that these roadmap goals are provisional, meaning they are planned and they are our goals, but for a number of reasons may not come in the planned order or time. We're doing our best with the limits we have, and we're excited to both make and show more of Restitched in 2021. You'll also notice some mysterious paper slips covering a few roadmap goals... well, there's a beauty to mystery!

This post is available early to trixel+ subscribers. Please try to keep this info private so we can reveal the surprise to the public community soon! 




2021 is looking to be an important year for Restitched, I can't express how excited I am to find out more!