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Hello all! Billy (Bobinti) here. I'm the co-owner of Trixel Creative along with Halston, and I will be walking you through how 'modern-day' Trixel Creative came to be.

For those of you that have followed Trixel Creative for some time, the name 'T-Games' may have activated some neurons that have, over the years, collected some dust.

For those of you that are unaware, T-Games was a gaming team extremely similar in nature to Trixel Creative, which was founded in April of 2011. It was originally intended to be a 'log-in' system in LittleBigPlanet, but due to having to back-up an older profile due to the infamous 'spawn-pop' glitch in LittleBigPlanet 2, the only element that survived was the logo.

The logo then became a symbol of all of my (Billy's) creations in LittleBigPlanet, eventually also becoming a symbol for others' creations too. T-Games went on to create the Traffic Panic! series, which has spawned three Team Picks, and the Evergreen Park series, which has spawned two. "But..." you may be thinking - "aren't Traffic Panic! and Evergreen Park Trixel Creative creations?" and the answer is yes, they are now. But they weren't.

Way back in the ancient times, aka July 2013, T-Games member Chunky104 published his level series 'Evergreen Park' in LittleBigPlanet 2 under the T-Games name. To help promote the series and offer insight into the development process to fans of the series, he created a website (which is still running today - https://evergreenparklbp.weebly.com. It was this very website that Trixel Creative founder Halston reached out to T-Games in hopes of a partnership.

Amazed that he'd even found the website in the first place (we hadn't even advertised it on LittleBigPlanet - something which we probably should have done in hindsight), we happily accepted his offer. From then onwards, Trixel Creative and T-Games worked closely with each other. We would re-tweet each other on Twitter, offer resources and feedback on elements in development, and - eventually - in 2015, we collaborated on Tri-Expo.

Tri-Expo 2015 was the first proper 50/50 collaboration between T-Games and Trixel Creative. At that time, the stream was simply about these two teams and the content that we had created. Of course, this is completely different to what the event is now, with its primary focus being on the creations of the wider community. The turn-out wasn't too high for the first three years, but these events solidified the closeness between the two teams and our shared common goal.

By the time 2018 rolled around, T-Games and Trixel Creative were inseparable. Both team founders had even become members of the opposite team and would work within them. After much chatter, it eventually hit us. Something that was sitting in plain sight all this time. Why were we separate? We were both creating two separate things when we could be collaborating to create one amazing thing.

There had been casual chats about the merging of the two teams before this revelation, with myself even creating mock-ups for a new team, but this was different. I, Billy, announced publicly that the two teams would be merging as of September 2018, with T-Games effectively 'shutting down' by January 1st, 2019. We decided to stick with the 'Trixel Creative' name as we felt it was much more unique and easier to find when searched for, as well as the ability to retain the online presence that had been built up over the years.


^ You can read the full official closure/merge statement via the link above.

All supported T-Games creations - including installments in the Traffic Panic! and Evergreen Park! series were rebranded to Trixel Creative. All non-supported creations (as in, creations that were unable to be updated) were to keep the T-Games title via a Trixel Creative subsidiary titled T-Games Legacy. In the merging agreement, it was agreed that T-Games Legacy would be an unadvertised aspect of Trixel Creative that would be managed solely by myself. It remains as such today, and you can visit the website at https://t-gameslegacy.weebly.com.

And that is how I, Billy, became co-owner of Trixel Creative along with Halston... and how Trixel Creative evolved into what we know it as today.


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