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Hello guys! here is the second Cats love Water comic page and tier rewards I´ll be sending shortly. These have been a really busy week, mostly because the end of technophilia project! I spent a lot of time giving final touches. Thank you so much for all those supported us there too! I gathered all that i made in the week and some extra for that too. In any case I hope you enjoy it! Also I want to welcome the new supporters and remember you can ask for old updates. And thanks for filling the cameo update. Cameos will come anytime soon!! Thanks! don´t forget to check the official tumblr!: http://catslovewatercomic.tumblr.com/




I haven't had a chance to fill the cameo update- am I still in time?


You mean the form? yes of course. is still here: <a href="http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1052717">http://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1052717</a>


Wow! this looks amazing!! :D I look forward to seeing more pages!


lovely BGs and torsos C;


You draw such lovely &amp; wonderful backgrounds. And this is such typical brother behaviour, love it. XD