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Thank you so much all those who filled the cameo tier. Now I´m accepting references pictures and everything oAo/ This is completely necessary for your cameo so, for those who applied to the tier please fill this form: http://goo.gl/forms/5jAjjRvRu5 I´ll be checking it and saving your info to add in my next pages cameos when necessary. Have questions? This is the right post to make them so don´t hesitate to ask! Thank you for your support.


Cats Love Water cameo info



What if we would like to give you multiple characters to choose as you see fit? c: Or would you prefer we just pick one? I got so many I'd love to just throw at you and have fun with putting wherever you'd like.


Sure you can do it if you want me to choose. I would probably just picking one till I got ride of the10 spots ^^ But each one of you can submit more than one character and let me choose if you wish so.


Yeah, that totally makes sense to me! Okay awesome! :D Thanks for the quick response!