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Happy new year everyone! Sorry for the delay had some trouble on my little trip. My brother in law, who was going to get me, got some work related problemd and couldnt do it on the 2. But at the end that worked better cause my wife got sick and wasn't in a good condition to travel. We ended staying one more day, but at the end of the day I dont care about the troubles cause I was able to see my mom and sis :D.

(NEWCOMERS: old mods will be delivered tomorrow, I'm too tired right now lol)

First RE engine mod release! the first version if the Classic Item Pack for Resident Evil 3 Remake contains:

- Handgun ammo
- Shotgun ammo
- Grennade launcher ammo (all of them)
- Lockpick
- Gunnpowder (both)
- Nemesis dropcase
- Shotgun (with animations!)
- Stars mannual
- Coins (based ont the unussed coins from the original re3)

The pack should have been bigger by now but I ended spending to much time trying to make a functional revolver magnum using Claires handgun from RE2R as a base, but got a lot of trouble with the animations of the gun wich is a shame because I got Claire's animations of that gun working prefectly over Jill.
I already have another idea for making a magnum revolver and also a classic grenade launcher with all and animations I hope I have them ready for the next update.

Jill using Claire's handgun, for some reason I couldn't make the bones to stay in the correct place that's why the quick loader and the hammer are out of place

You will need Fluffy Manager 5000 to run the mod.
Just put the rar in the folder "Fluffy Manager\Games\RE3R\Mods", then run the program and select the mod from the list.

Deadly Silence models update! Kenneth is fully functional and made a quick mod with him replacing Chris (this time it is Chris's blood!).
Enrico was also planned for this month release but had some problems with his model making the game crash so it will need some more work, it will be ready for the next update along with Richard.
You will need the lastest version of the Classic Rebirth patch for this mod to work!
There are some really cool news for the Deadly Silence models in the future, I cant talk much about it right now, but stay tunned!

And finally the Game Boy update!
There isnt much new content, i'm mostly ironing little things while working on the cutscenes:  Finally fixed the boundaries of the dining room for Jill removing the "invisible table", the cameras switches are not 100% done so your are going to find some spots where the camera doesnt chages correctly, still works better that the ones from Chris(that will be corrected in the future).
New voxel models for Barry and Wesker and also fixed Rebecca's.
I had some fun making the slides, used sprites from diferent games to make the cerberus (doberman from Guardians), Neptune (shark from Eco the dolphin) and the Hunter (frog like enemy from Demon's Crest and the Hunter sprite from Project X Zone).

Please check the instructions carefully cause there is new indications.

The hardest part of the new cutscenes is the coloring, this is a very incomplete example

Whats new?

  • New voxel style models for Barry and Weskerbased based on the original game boy sprites.
  • Fixed Rebecca voxel style model (playable and NPC)
  • Fixed the new lighting on some rooms from Jill's story that had errors.
  • Fixed another background from Richard's room where the original Richard's sprite was visible under Richard's 3d model.
  • Fixed the invisible table in the dining room from Jill's story (camera switches are not final, need more testing).
  • Added game boy style textures on the caves objects that were missing.
  • New game boy style slides on the projector in the Visual Data Room on the lab.


you will need the lastest Classic REbirth patch for this build of the Game Boy conversion mod to work.

- Download the TWO  .7z file from the link I sent.

- Put the both .7z files in the game folder next to the game executable and the Classic Rebirth patch.

- Make sure to back up your original MOVIE folder, then open the movie.7z file and extract MOVIE folder to the game folder. When its done close the .7z .

- Run the game and select the mod from the mod list like in the picture.

- I recommend playing the game using the retro mode of Classic REbirth for a fully pixelated experience and turn off texture filtering otherwise the voxel model texture looks bad.

If you have any doubt or find any bug post them in the comments so I can fix it for the next build.

As always thanks for your support! It really helps me a lot!




Happy to hear everything worked out. We just drove 1400 miles to see my wife’s parents for the first time since 2019!