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Hey, all. Now's about the time I tell you that Chris Chan: A Comprehensive History: Part 40 will be out three weeks after 39 (4th of July weekend), and after that, I will go on a month-long break from Chris Chan Content as a refresher for my brain and to allow myself more time to get more content out on my music channel and my documentary channel. If you haven't subscribed to those yet, please do, and check out all the stuff I have on there so far. New album is almost finished, and I'm cooking up a new short-form series about monsters n stuff.

Part 41 and onwards will return in early August and will hopefully resume an every-other-weekend schedule again. Sorry for the inconvenience, but thanks again for all your continued support!




Take all the time you need Geno!


You've been on the grind for a while mate. Hope you get some well deserved respite. Best of luck


You rock, man.


Wanted to thank you for all your hard work.


Is there any subject you feel PASSIONATELY about that you would research and narrate in a similar style? What about Geno does Shakespeare / Tolkien / Orwell?