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Happy Festive wishes to all Patrons! For those into the CWC series, Part 28 will be uploaded next week, happily a week ahead of schedule! Unfortunately, I got a pretty nasty cold now and I won't have a chance to record the narration for Part 29 in 2019 :(

Part 29 will be out ASAFP in early January. Having said that, I will go on a little break after that for a month or two to cleanse my mind and to write the scripts for the upcoming vids. I'll have Part 30 ready in time for Mexican Flag Day 2020, and will hopefully resume a steady once-every-two-weeks schedule for a good long while after that.

Apologies for the unfestive news, but hope you can understand the situation. Things will look better very soon. Have a happy Winter Solstice and a Merry end of an artificially-constructed calendar year!




Understandable, hope you get better soon and take your time! I know this stuff can be mentally taxing, especially when you have other responsibilities to do on the downside, happy holidays and hope you have a happy new year!