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Can't sleep? I feel ya.
I'm a horrible sleeper too, especially the falling asleep part. My mind likes to wander, ponder, fret, and regret when I've settled into bed.

I hope you're in the mood for a comfy audio. But don't you worry, I'm still working on the spicier audios. I might even release a small short nsfw tomorrow. Maybe.

Anywho, I hope you all rest well tonight. Sweet dreams~

Premise: You having trouble sleeping too?

You seem distracted these days. 
Is something bothering you? 
Something stuck on your mind? 
Something you haven't been able to let go?
I'll stay up with you...

Improv: skitty || Art: Yukiji

》 Too shy to comment or critique? I'll close my eyes... Feedback for Skitty




Can't wait to listen to this when I get home. Thanks skitty :)


I really needed this today. Thank you skittycat!


"Tell it to fack off" See, I did that, but I just replied 'No' and flipped myself the bird. Thanks for the super comfs audio Skitty, I hope you get a good sleep this time. And goddd, am I feeling that bit of art right about now, stay safe everyone. <3


Thanks for the comfy audio mommy skitty, been stressed out a bit and got bad news recently but this is nice ☺️❤️


Can’t wait to listen to this, should help with midterm season haha. Thanks for the audio and I hope you get your rest! Nothing better than a good 8 hours rest after a long day. 😃


i got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night


I just found out my latest ex was cheating on me for a while and I've been crying a lot when trying to sleep - I feel like this is gonna be a good remedy


Me giving an important presentation: "As you can see here the Cepheid variables... Someone in the meeting: *giggles* Me: *looks around just in time to see a notification for new Skitty Audio dropping off the screen.*: "uhhhhhhhhhhh..." *hand wave fast talks back to the presentation* Thanks for the audio Skits . . .and the heart attack. . . xD


Cheating is a horrible thing to do. I'm so sorry it happened to you :( You deserve better! 🫂


Thank you Skitty, this is exactly what I needed to hear right now, I've been having trouble with dwelling on the past too much and It's making present me very upset and this definitely helped, and headpats are always a treat


How is it that you always time these perfectly for when I get in a mental hole? Thank you, Skitty.


Was listening on my way home but finally got to vegetate in bed ~ 🦖 Thanks for another sleepy audio, Captain:) Was good stuffs! 🐇 You know that Pokemon that sings everyone into a wholesome nap? I am certain this audio will put me + many others to sleep in under 5 min the same way. (Dont come paint Peen on mi face tho, ok? 😂) Aye, da primate brain do be catastrophic sometimes lol. And thinkin of a happy place + swimmin can do wonders. So this audio felt really safe and helps me distract from some bad vibing thoughts for sure. Very highclass pats too! Thanks a lot~ And issa cute bunbun image 😄 Hope you doing good Captain 🍕


Listened to this to fall asleep and when I woke up this morning I found my earphones lying scattered around in my bed, so it must have worked lol - glad I didn’t crush them accidentally while asleep 😂 Thank you for the highly effective cozy audio!


I fell asleep listening to this audio. Scrachies and your voice is such a relaxing combo, thanks fot the audio, much comfs.


So relaxing… Thank you Skitty ^_^


Got skitty satellites monitoring all my listeners. Time to tinfoil hat up :D Lol. I kid. Hope you feel better!


Aye, one causes others to pass out while the other passes out from chasing its own tail 😆 It's kinda hilarious~


I've done Skitty Motorsports in F1 22, now I have to do a Skitty Launch Alliance playthrough of KSP to launch all the spy satellites


This was lovely... (Btw I used to think "improv" exclusively meant freestyle rap when I was small. That would be HYPE)


Thanks for the audio skitty ( ɵ̥̥‸ɵ̥̥)❤️ , it was something I really needed to hear.


I just wanted to say that the way you addressed and reassured overthinking felt really kind or actually really helpful. I feel I’ve been paranoid or similar for the last half year and I‘m unable to genuinely let go of a few long term fears it feeds onto. So thanks so much, it‘s helpful right now and it was just really comforting and reassuring in general. I’m not sure what to say else, but I really loved the audio^


🥺 thank you


As an over-thinker and never-resting mind, this was really nice and comforting. Thanks, Skitty ❤️