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  • 12/27: Audio does not align with Patreon's ToS and has been removed as per their request. The full audio is honestly not sexual and is still on DTL's YouTube.
  • Removed preview and replaced with copyright free music

Music Credit: Memories by Benjamin Tissot; Royalty Free with attribution

  • 11/14 (Uploaded full audio): YouTube has age-restricted the video for vague reasons. If you can't watch it on YT, here it is. DTL also has the full audio on her Patreon.

We booli you? Kinda...




Christmas came early


Already heard the full version and loved it. Such an obvious collab I didn't know I needed


Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy for making us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us… In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal… Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, the Breakfast Club. Yes, expect a full essay as requested when you publish. :P Never did detention myself . . .but yes I did the popular girl's homework. That I can relate tool. Stuck alone in a room with Skitty and her friend though . . . woof. Where do I sign? *is a bad boy just so I can get sent to detention with you gals*


I kinda doubt you ever got detention. lol. You were an ace student, right... right?


Sounds like you're the one getting boolied so far :nekoL: Never been to detention though. I kept myself out of trouble but I also didn't do anyone else's homework. Shared some notes with a friend who struggled in math though. Looking forward to the release.


Collabing with DTL!? >///<


Hype! -w-

Kyle Fengler



Teacher: "Ok, you're free to go." Me: "No thanks." Teacher: *visible confusion*


Holy FUCK.


What a suprise but a welcome one


You know, I used to get really confused when people mentioned DTL in other parts of the community :P At first I didn't know what "DTL" meant and when I discovered it, I didn't knew if it was a proper nickname or what. The funny thing is that for some reason I never have listen to one of her audios, so this is going to be a sort of "cover letter" in my case :P I can see you in both roles but I'm glad you are the popular girl, Skitty. For some reason in my brain the popular girl usually is kind of scary, but you sound really sweet in this preview. I hope the "booli" part is not too much at the end. Looking forward to the audio :)


I honestly didn't even think DTW was still doing any lewd stuff anymore. I also didn't think Skitty was collaborating with anyone anytime soon. That's two surprises in one go.


I think you and DTL don't really match in terms of quality. Perhaps a different theme would be better for an audio.


Not a collab I expected, but one that I'm excited for nonetheless!


Awesome! I like DTL as well, so I'm excited for it!


"booli" lmao XD I love you Skitty, you're an English-mangling genius ^_^


You're both adorable, super hyped for this.

Bleak Briar

Two of my favorite artists collating? Can't wait!


Eeehyooo, the two reasons I joined patreon combining? This can't...I mean the chances..my current vocabulary is insufficient to articulate the level of hype coursing through my physical being, so I shall resort to a more baser level of communication... HIAAH!

Stormy Weather

So excited! I support both of you on here and love your stuff! This is a perfect match!


GOAT ASMR combo <3


oh yeah, this is one sick beat


Wow, this violated the TOS? Seriously? If this isn't allowed, pretty much every VA/AMSR account here is screwed :(