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FYI. The reason why I sound like I'm constantly out of breath is 'cuz I recorded this ramble laying down. Haha. This is why posture is so important when recording! Otherwise you sound like whatever I just recorded.

✧✦ ılılı October Audios ılılı ✦✧

✧✦ ılılı Potential November Audios ılılı ✦✧

*no NSFW link as per Patreon ToS. You can find the audio on my website.




Mean Skitty I hear~?


I can't wait to see the new audios coming out this year, is the vampire hypnosis apart of the Vampire Skitty lore or is this a different vampire skitty? Also skitty collab with DTL?? Fuckin, pog.


I hope you are able to find inspiration for your giantess audio as I would love to hear that from you! SFW and/or lewd! But also, thanks for everything you are doing! Lots of your audios help me to just exist. lol. I am very grateful for that! I hope you are doing well.

Khalid Patterson

i apreciate the work you and your lovely voice does skitters in helping us cum/sleep lol


Oh my goodness gracious me. Thank you Skitty. Two Audios? In one Night? You do like to spoil us so . . .


You're amazing Skits! -w- Look forward to the 2k celebration! :hug:


=D more gutterkat?! and I like the bad sleep aid videos, they are fun. If I think of any good ideas for the giantess I'll let you know.


November just got a whole lot more exciting! :3


While the bakery audios aren't my favorite in terms of tags, they do hold a place in my heart because those were the first videos that got me into your content. It ending had me feeling feels i never thought I'd feel for bakeries. I do be hella keen on the vampire hypnosis audio tho. I'm not sure if you need tags or story for the giantess audio(i guess they go hand in hand), but you could do a science experiment gone wrong. Listener and giantess try a bunch of stuff but soon (somehow) conclude the answer is orgasm. (Giantess', listeners or both.) Reskin as magic experiment for fantasy genre instead.


*this has awoken things inside me*


Vanilla Yes! Hypnosis! Yes! Not huge on mean, but mean Skitty is adorable and tolerable :) Also collab, wew! Looking forward to it all :D


Heh. I like how a lot or us are Ok with the mean Skitty but always mention that: please, don't be too mean. Is almost like we are asking you to not be too believable in your role :P When I woke up this morning I had a few notifications of your audios in Patreon and I really been waiting all day to see what you wanted to tell us in your ramble. Now I'm looking forward to all those audios this month, as always :P Hope your week is going fine. Have a nice timezone! Take care.


Bout to leave it all behind and go to pastry school just so I can bake in the cakery with BakerSkitty forever! She's so pure and delightful <3 <3


I had no doubts about your ability to create amazing roleplays, but I had no idea that you also sing so sweetly))


If I'm actually mean, I'll be sure to warn you ahead of time. And I'm sure my beta listener will give me a bonk of the head if I'm too evil. :)


Hey I'm just wondering if it's normal that my comment is disappearing, it just feels odd Idk. Like I tried reposting it


I've noticed that if people edit their comments, sometimes it disappears. You can also always DM me :)


Oh a mean sleep aid would be pretty cool^ I’ll say that I used to have pretty extreme self worth issues few years ago, and it’s sort of counter-intuitive, but I found negative affirmations/such a bit comforting in a validating way. And if it’d sound ironic/not genuine (or maybe silly), that’s an effect that can feel caring or validating/understanding in a sense to me. As if there’s some meta aspect to it, Idk. Otherwise honest degradation and any more fun take sound cool too obviously. Well I’ll say that the pencil sounds were pretty nice asmr-wise in that preview^ Like enough that I wanted to comment about it. I’m not that comfy with ear licking/such, but otherwise I’m pretty hyped^^ Also, I kind of feel really bad still for getting uncomfortable and everything for the cakery audio, not sure what to do about that. But I really mean that it was really well done and everything. I still mean to listen to one in particular, but honestly all of this month's audios were really great^ And I'd be pretty hyped for the vampire hypnosis one if you ever feel it/get inspired for it^^ Pretty curious about the giantess one. It's usually not really my thing, but it seems comfy


idk if that made sense or anything. And it was probably some small edits the times before yeah^


Cakery girl was sad, but it was good. The first one was the audio that introduced me to you! Glad to hear you're doing well! Also, ooh, november's audios should be lots of fun! Think I'm most excited for the Vampire Skitty Hypnosis, but they all look like fun!


Spoiler, the licking is at the end. Hopefully DTL will chapter things, but I think you'll get a heads up :) And I promise I won't be too mean <3


A tsundere girlfriend who's trying her best to be mean to you but doesn't really know how would be absolutely adorable <3


It sounded really cool even though you were recording it lying down. Excellent work!


I have zero idea why, but my noggin really wants cutesy skitty reading miserable bukowski quotes and poetry.