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Happy New Year! Let's make 2021 a good one! 🥳️

Listen to me ramble about audios, kitties, and cookies!

Public December Releases:

- Bewitching a Cutie to Cum - nsfw
- Sleep Hypnosis - sfw
- Bad Sleep Aid - sfw
- Sugar High Sellout - sfw

To-Do Docket: in no particular order

- [F4M] Alewdments by Aurally

- [F4M] Surprise NSFW by LiveJoker

- [F4F] Kitty Girl NSFW by FredRiting ... I may attempt to make versions for boys and trans listeners...maybe. Prioritizing girls first. 

- Non-layered Bewitching hypnosis audio for Patreon

- (Possible) Ara ara audio

- (Possible) Revisit the pat dealer or vampire girl

Choco-chip Art: DAV-19

Too shy to comment? I'll close my eyes... Feedback for Skitty




Yep! Totally uncorrupted. c: Loving all the awesome content!


Need the Ara Ara audio. Been watching "Ms. Caretaker of Sonohara-house" and it's stolen my heart for soft doting almost as much as Skitty has.


I may have listened to that Sponsors audio a dozen times by now. The GFuel/LTT/MeUndies part is hysterical :'D Happy New Year Skitty, hope it's a good one for you :)


Corruption of the innocent...... what's a paladin to do when his patron is such a bad girl? Get you a big teddy bear for snugs! <3 given how much you adore your piggos, being your guinea pigs is high praise.


“Head Pat tax collector” is a good title for that type of vid you were talking about.


Wholeheartedly agree with the raisin ramble. Probably dating myself here but when I was a young phoenix it was around that awful time when raisins were EVERYWHERE and we got them in tiny boxes we were supposed to eat like snacks if we wanted something sweet. They were EVERYWHERE. People even gave them to kids for Halloween (may they burn in torment forever) and they were in every lunchbox or pack lunch. Ugh. Ugh. So gross. I think I have post traumatic raisin disorder.


3rd YEAR!!! WOO!!!!! Be happy to know that you didn't corrupt me, I was already corrupt :p OMG love the "chomp chomp" cuteness......wait, NE? Noooooooo Don't tempt me to write a 500 word essay to you Raisins are awesome, I'd be happy to eat them for you.


I think those little raisin boxes are still around. Worst part of a halloween candy stash!


OH no Skitty is evolving! *hits B* :3 Honestly though not sure what you want from evolution, you're wonderful and adorbs as a Skitty! In fact... we can only evolve you with a moon stone, we gotta bring Skitty to the mooooooooon! Thanks for the ramble Skits, keep being awsome, erotic hypnosis was amazing, sad it didn't win, did my part and voted!


Found you through youtube tbh.


I'm eating all the raisin oatmeal and you can't stop me!


Yay for coming up on 3 years! Wish I had found your stuff sooner. But alas I found your Vampire Skitty's Remedy first. At that point I was already corrupted but wouldn't mind if Skitty had introduced me to lewd audios. Hyped for new content, looking forward to it all. <3

Jared Chinchello

Skitty please don't rob me of my rightfully earned monies, Tax collecting Skitty is terrifying.


Congrats on making it making it to three years, long live the pat empire, I look forward to seeing the eventual, inevitable world take over! Thanks for giving us so many wonderful and quality audios, I am psyched to see what you come up with this year! Love ya always, keep on kicking butt!


You mean the moon isn't made outta CHEESE?! 😢 Nooooooo~ Thanks for the vote, Ren <3


The pat empire will reign for eternity!!! Moohahahahaha. Thanks Mutie <3


I didn't get anything official from the contest, but the feedback from you guys have been overwhelmingly sweet. So thank you. <33 So... you're telling me that alcohol makes everything better? Uhuh...noted. lol I'll start looking into the adoption paperwork!


Skitty, I can't access your NSFW stuff on a mobile device. Reddit does not allow the viewing of NSFW communities on mobile browsers at all. They just try to get me to download their sleazy app because apparently they "care" so much about my browsing history being protected that I don't get an option, so also having direct links to the audio would be nice.


That's odd. NSFW reddit works fine on chrome mobile for me. There's an option to choose between app and browser. If you're still having issues, clear your cookies or try another browser. There are direct links to my audios on my website, www.skittykat.cc

NekoWinters .

Owo PHONE HOW DARE THEE BETRAY ME WITH A LACK OF NOTIFICATIONS!!! *puts it in a blender and threatens to boop the button if it doesn't behave better* D:<


Raisin Cookies only suck if you're expecting chocolate chip, otherwise they're really nice.


I want chocolate chip cookies. 🍪


Ara Ara sounds awesome but Vampire Skitty is best Skitty. Was the first video I watched from Skitty. Back then I was watching loads of vampire asmr.