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I’m changing up my rewards for next month. Please listen to my audio for a full explanation. But ultimately, Skitty is feeling burnt out and needs to scale back.

October Tier Reward Changes

Headpats ($1) I’ll be treating this as tips. You’ll get the occasional update and nonexclusive audio. Regular beta-testing won’t be happening as much since I’ve got two dedicated beta-listeners.

Hugs ($3) Access to JUST this month’s exclusive audio. Previously you’d  have access to all the exclusive audios. But as the exclusive library grows, I want to make sure that those who have been around consecutive months are rewarded. The mp3s are downloadable, so you can always hang onto audios you’ve already paid for. If you want access to older audios, they will be in the Cuddle tier. 

Hand-holding ($5) Exclusive audios from the prior tier will also become unavailable after a month. Rambles will stay as is.

Cuddles ($15) Exclusive audios from prior months will be moved here. There are currently 10+ exclusive audios/rambles. See this post for links. And instead of spamming my occasional selfies here, they'll go in my Discord Plus Channel

Kisses+ ($50 / $100) I'll be removing script-fills. Please treat these slots purely as a method for donation and access to previous rewards. The best bang for your buck is probably the $15 tier. 
Actually... you can pick a custom Discord flair. Message me for your own name and color.  

I won’t hold it against you if you decide to drop to a lower tier, or cancel all together. I just want to go back to basics and choose my own content again. I'll be updating the Reward descriptions before the end of the month. 

On a happier note... The Pokemon Poll results are in!
Arcanine won! 

With Eevee in a close second, and Cubone in third.
... ya'll just wanna see Skitty knotted, don't you? Lewd! haha. Deal. I'll make it happen. I'll draft up a script and work on it next month.

I've also decided that I wanted something cute and cuddly (SFW). So I'm going to do a mommy-like audio with Cubone. His backstory is so sad. Let's give him some love too <3

PS. There was a secretary audio that was supposed to be an exclusive. But I'm really not feeling it, so Skitty will read you a bedtime story instead. Will post later this week.




Hey Skitty! You actually sound really relaxed and relieved as you wrap thus up. I have and always will enjoy and be amazed by the work you do. Extra is nice, but just that extra. Im glad you took a week to yourself. It sounds like you needed it. I might start sounding like a broken record but, at the end of the day. The only thing I could ever want from you is a happy healthy safe unstressed skitty. No matter what that takes. I'm happy you are taking steps to make sure you stay sane. I think that's a really smart idea. And, as far as I'm concerned, Im not going anywhere. I support skitty in everything she does and wants and needs. 10/10. Would support this move again. Also, and again broken record Ander *laughs at self* but I have to say it cuz it's who I am. If there's anything I can do to help you. Anything at all. Ask and consider it done.


I once read a book and there were some life lessons in it. Now I'm no motivational speaker, but the last one was to sharpen the saw. Basically, cutting down a tree is way better if you stop, take a break, and get a fresh blade instead of hacking away endlessly. If you need to scale back, take a break, hell yeah go for it. Same principle goes for like, weightlifting. Deload weeks exist for a reason, so you can get back into it better and stronger than before. The point is, theres no shame in rolling back and returning to doing what you want. Pretty sure a bunch of us were fans when you did what you wanted, a bunch of us are prolly gonna stay that way when you do what you want.


As many a content creator knows, content burn-out is something that will eventually happen-glad that you caught yourself before you ended up resenting what you first loved to do (and that you're not forced to keep doing so). Please take as much time as you need to get yourself rested and refreshed; we'll still be here with a grand welcome when you're back.


I know you weren't that happy (don't be sorry for that) and I'm empathizing with but also this update made me so happy! I'm happy about the changes you're making. It is definitely the right step. I can't say how happy I am for you that you will be making the content you really enjoy again! Renaissance! I hate to think that it is frustrating for you. I really wish you to finds a great spark in making audios again. And not just from the selfish purpose of still getting your awesome audios, but mainly from a friendly and caring side. :) Also I like the idea of moving the exclusive audios after a month to a higher tier. It's smart and fair... A bedtime story I hear!? Holy shet! *Running in circles super excitedly* I'm also excited about the Cubone SFW audio, he really deserves some love. Both Arcanine and Eevee weren't my favorites but I'm definitely looking forward to the lewdness you will come up with. ;) You are probably just overthinking the secretary audio. I'm sure no one would say a bad thing about it. But I feel you. It is good to have standards and if the audio isn't good enough then be it. But with less frustrated and happier you, better audios will come up for sure. Woohoo!... &gt; Skitty wants to make audios she's more patient about. &gt; The new audio release: Skitty is making farting noises.  I'm sorry. :D But when I heard you saying that I remembered how you once joked about making a fart noises audio one day and it just made me laugh. Also, yeah, I'm saving your Patreon Audios to my mobile (actually to podcast folder, lol), because we all know how great the Patreon app is... And I non-lewdly share your audios with my cat, she really likes you, I hope you don't mind. Anyway... Take care Skitty-chan and do what YOU want to do. It's ok to be in a mood. If you are tired go take a long restful and lazy nap… The whole Lullaby squad is behind your back. (Not in a creepy way, but just to support you.) BTW You are awesome. 


Happy to hear you're cutting back for your sake Skitty. Stay healthy (and cute)!


It's been odd taking this little break. But I'm looking forward to coming back. Thanks &lt;3


I think you're an amazing motivational speaker. And someone showed me all the nice things you were saying on discord &lt;3 It was very nice :) *hugs*


Thank again for everything Ander. :) It's always nice to see you around here and Skittykat ~


Good changes Skitty, I always thought you were doing a bit too much. Take as much time as you need, your own wellbeing is priority. We will be here when you return. 🤗