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I had some jello shots the other night and decided to answer some questions for fun. 

On a side note: My beta listened to this already and thought I sounded a little stressed... I am. It's one reason why I haven't put out any public audios this week. I'll be addressing some things in my next Patreon post. But don't worry, Skitty isn't going away. 

Also PSA, I mentioned this at the end of my audio, but it never hurts to be safe... please drink responsibly. *hugs*

1. Would you rather live in a world where there are no problems or live in a world where you rule?

2. Would you rather get a dream vacation for two weeks or spend a week with anyone in the world?

3. Would you rather fly or read minds?

4. Would you rather have more time or money?

5. Would you have piercings or tattoos?

6. Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button in your life?

7. Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout everything?

8. Would you rather go without the internet or a car for a month?

9. Would you rather have to sit all day or stand all day?

10. Would you rather sing every word you speak or always speak in rhymes?




Skitty. You might be literally the only person I've ever met who apologizes about rambling . . . in a ramble. <3 You are awesome and adorable. You've had a tough week. No pressure. Not at all. As normal, if there is anything ever that I can help with to make things less stressful for you, all you have to do is ask. :) On a fun note I figured it'd be fun for you to hear us answer the questions too. 1: A world with no problems. Easy. As I've said in the past, I'd rather take on all the worlds problems myself so no one else has to. So, that's my go to. 2: Gotta' agree with you as well. My dream vacation includes certain friends too. 3. I'd fly. I'm already self conscious about what everyone thinks of me. 4. The longer you live, the more likely it is you'll become trapped somewhere at some point. So, I'd have to go with money too. Good choice. 5. Tattoo I think. I have ones I'd like to get but, things that look great today will look terrible when I'm 90. 6. How long does the pause last? How far can I rewind? I think rewind though, cuz it allows for all the same things as a pause button except, more. Cuz you can just go back and do it over till you like it. 7. Whisper. I can make my words louder via loud speakers and what not. Hard to make it quieter. Also, some times it's nice to be able to only speak to people close to us. And I'd figure those people I care about would listen to me whisper anyway. 8. I'd lose my car for a month. Easy. Public transit is wonderful. 9. Sit all day. I like the wheelie chair idea. xD 10. I would speak in rhymes. I've tried doing it for a day before, super hard. But super fun....... 2? 2 jello shots? omg. I wouldn't even feel it at that point. *Irishes it up* *hugs* Have yourself a ton of fun Skitty. You deserve it. <3<4<5 Here's hoping fall smooths out nicely for you.


In high school, I was like invisible. Behaved and quiet. I'm sure like one teacher didn't know my name even after 4 years of regularly teaching my class, lol. I've actually never had a jello shot. Are you drinking it or like chewing it? I can't imagine chewing a jello vodka… It has to burn so much. *Yuck*... Also, you kinda sounded like the well-behaved kid who just had its first booze. Flexing how you had two whole shots, how drunk you are and how awesome it is, playing would you rather while telling your biggest sins… “Lads, listen. You won’t believe me, but I once faked my mom's signature on my homework. Hihi. I’m so bad.”... Haha. :D Why anyone would want to rule? Probably so they would want to make a world without problems, no? And who would want to rule if they wouldn’t have any problems? You would have to keep your mind-reading skills as secret as possible and it would be hard not to flex and so easy to spill the beans. And who would want to be around someone who is able to read your mind? You would be super unpopular. But with flying, holy shit, you would have so many fake friends. *Incoming call at 3 AM* “Hey, yo. My friend. Could you pick me up? I’m drunk and far from home and you can fly, right? It will be just a second for you. Come on my friend.” I think money can definitely buy you some happiness, not make you 100% happy, but definitely, money can buy you some happiness. Money won’t make you 100% happy, but definitely, money can buy you some happiness and make your life so so much easier. This doesn’t have to apply for those who are already born rich. They will find other problems in their lives which will bother them and which money can’t solve. Also, chair scooting races when?


Haha. I was thinking the exact same thing. Skitty such a good girl. Had hervfirst alchohol. "Listen guys. 2 whole shots. Oh. I gotta burp. Excuse me. Im so bad. Remember guys. We.... we gotta be safe about this. No, ... no one should drive home. Gotta wait for the alchohol to pass out of our system first." XD adorkable level: max.


1. Would you rather live in a world where there are no problems or live in a world where you rule?: If the world had no problems, the fact I'm not ruler wouldn't be a problem, so no problems 2. Would you rather get a dream vacation for two weeks or spend a week with anyone in the world?: I'd choose to spend the week with you <3. But seriously, I'd go dream vacation for two weeks. 3. Would you rather fly or read minds?: Read minds. I'd be a kickass lawyer. 4. Would you rather have more time or money?: More money means I have more time. 5. Would you have piercings or tattoos?: Probably a tattoo, something Zelda themed. 6. Would you rather have a rewind button in your life or a pause button in your life?: So, 「The World」 or 「Bites the Dust」(yes these are JoJo references)? I'd probably go rewind. Soooo many things I'd redo. 7. Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout everything? Only be able to whisper. I'd practice being all sensual like. 8. Would you rather go without the internet or a car for a month?: I barely drive anyway (public transport ftw), so definitely no car. 9. Would you rather have to sit all day or stand all day?: Sit. I mostly sit all day anyway. 10. Would you rather sing every word you speak or always speak in rhymes?: Speak in rhymes. I can't sing.