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Oh dear. I appreciate the heads up. 
I have a feeling I may know the individual. Unfortunately, they also believe I can read and hack minds. I'll try and stay safe.  

Thankfully, none of those emails are linked to me. Thanks again Tony <3
Published: 2023-12
I've notified my mods. There shouldn't be anything of significance for them to scrap. Still scary though :\
Published: 2023-12
I've been watching. Still no real info to dox.

I'm just disheartened by the misinformation, and how they twist my words. I was falsely banned for a sfw audio that YouTube approved and monetizes. I don't support the things they accuse me of.
Published: 2023-12
It's given me some bad anxiety these last few days. But im glad they dont have anything concrete. Thanks again for looking out ❤️
Published: 2024-01