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Both versions attached belowww. Fun gross fact: I've gone through about 30 tissues today, with no end in sight. YUM. @___@ And I sound like a freakin' death rattle when I cough. On the bright side though, mom came over and gave me good food, more vitamins/meds/etc, and fresh lemons. Honey lemon water has completely replaced my coffee intake and then some. So good. ;u;




I hope you get better soon, sending good vibes.


Thank you so much for the good vibes!! I'm going to stuff them into my pillow and try to sleep this off some more. <3


Kadabra can be both the psychic and the bearded lady in the carnival I guess (well, mustached lady). Don't need to be a psychic to see Izzi is going to have a bad time soon. Anyways, you rest up and get better. Healing is important...*blows on sunburned arms*