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Man, MTAC was CRAZY. Busy, exhausting, exhilarating, and I got a total of 5.5 hours of sleep the whole weekend. o-o I wanted to take more pictures in my Izzi cosplay...I'll fix that soon. But I'm attaching some of my Dawn cosplay for now. Just slightly scandalous. Anyway, on to the voting! I'm going to try my hardest to catch up on everything that's due before my other family trip on the 25th of this month. Wish me luck! (I'm almost finished with Shinx, cleaning up the lines on Dragonette, finished the line work on the twins...stickers, commissions, and the witch are also on my plate. Trying to make sure I remember everything. 0-0) Feel free to remind me if I'm forgetting something. ^^' I will also have to update my Storenvies soon since they finally introduced variable pricing! :D (So I can have different sizes of the same print available on one page, each with different prices.)




Plusle/Minun Meowstic As for other suggestions, maybe something from Madoka?


Welcome back! I love the photos and the cosplays. Please don't hesitate to show off more in the future. :D Time to vote~ Plusle/Minun Jirachi I wouldn't mind seeing more of Bee or anyone else in your comics


Thanks for your feedback! :D Oh man, Madoka is a gorgeous show! I know it's probably not what you had in mind...buuut a sexy anthro Kyubey is probably going to show up on next month's vote now. ^^ Eheheee.


Thanks and double thanks! I'll hopefully have some more photos (of Izzi cosplay) before the week is over. Fingers crossed. ^^