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Regular version attached as well! Anyone here a time wizard by chance? I have like a week's worth of things I want to finish in the next two days. 0n0 At minimum.




Well, time is relative, so hitting up the TARDIS might be in order. Or, if you need most excellent time travel, there's a perfectly good Phone Booth time machine. Me? I was always one more for Deloreans. Also, awesome page! Zuko's metamorphosis is coming along nicely...though he may burn the Casino down (that could hurt any future winnings).


Considering that this is an area of the casino made for pokemon I would imagine they would have insulated it against fire, electricity and other things.


I always kinda wounder where (nude) Izzi keeps her pokeballs (as kegel balls is my guess). If you want more time one option would be to leave the Earth, then make the earth travail at relativistic speeds.