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Not gonna lie, Hawkman's Mace is one of my favourite props so far :D

This thing is fun, awesome and has some very pointy spikes :D So ofc, where do we hold it ?

For that reason I wanted to create a stand for the Mace. From the Black Adam movie we can see Hawkman is kind of a techy guy, so I designed a modular stand with several options to choose from, all compatible with each other and interchangeable, so that will leave us with 3 desk stand options and 1 wall stand options.

As mentioned, desk stands are modular so you can use one part to work with another

We have 3 desk stand options - first one is more "tech/sci fi" looking, the second one is a bit more cleaner, and the third one is minimalistic if you don't wish to print the first 2 "large" stands.

And we have a wall stand as well, that's made out of desk stand parts.  There are  also holes designed in if you wish to introduce a wire/rope/rubberband or something to keep the mace even more fixed/in place when on the wall stand.

Check photos to make sense of all , and i'll start printing some of those now as well :D

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Andors blaster! got some great reference shots for painting in recent episodes!


Any thoughts on adding sabaccs crown?