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New month, new stuff :)

First of all i would like to thank everyone who is with me for yet another month, i truly appreciate all your support and i did say it before but cant say THANK YOU enough for allowing me to continue this kind of work :)

So i've been working on quite a few stuff at the same time so as i'll wrap them up i'll just post them, so i will try my best to add as much as i can this month, much more than last month, last month was kind of slow :D

OK, so first model, as i plan to make much more stuff from Halo, but i decided to make something i haven't seen made yet, and i just loved the badass look of that weapon, so here it is the CQS48 Bulldog.

I've added some functionality to it, so the trigger is clickable ( same design as on the westar 35 blaster), the magazine is removeable and uses 10x10mm magnets for interchangable magazines, the knob on the side form semi to full auto is moveable, and the frot pump action portion of the gun as well :)

As always, as soon as the pledges are processed i will share new months link to your inboxes, but for now you can find the model here :)



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