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So i've finalyl updated some Bobf armor parts:
- jetpack cones, neck piece, left lower gauntlet and neck piece to make it more accurate accorgind to references

I didnt update the helmet just yet bcs i still didnt get my head 3d scanned so i can use it as a fit base mesh, so hopefully soon !!

I have also completed the 3d printing and assembly of the scorpenek droid, and oh boy, not sayig bcs its mine, but its amazing :D  ( photos attached) - i took photos and videos of the entire process so will share that soon, the assembly was super easy and super straightforward and while doing it i noticed a little mistake on the front legs, so tahts updated now as well - just redownload and you're good to go :)

I've been asked quite a few time about this and i'v finally seen the new Batman, so yes, i will be starting the armor rather soon. I've wanted to make a Batman armor in ages and now finalyl one that is realistic enought to be made. Oh and the movie was very good, if you didnt see it you should :D

Thats all ffrom me for now, more stuff coming soon :)



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