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Ok, new month, i'll send you over the new month's folder link to your inbox as well in a few moments, but for now you can grab the link at the end of this post :) 

First - once again im trasnsfering boba fett armor and bad batch helmets to new month ( i hope to complete the bad batch helmet set this month), so you can grab them there.

Also, i did mention it a few times ,but in case you missed it, i am working on transfering to a new file sharing system, so all of this will soon be much more organized and easier, so i kindly ask for a bit more patinece on that part :) 

Ok, first items of the month :

Paz vibroblade V2 - so after seing Paz in action in S01e05 of Mandal.... i mean Book of Boba Fett, i decided to revisit my old Vibroblade model.

At first i thought the blade might be a tad too big but doing some measurements, and it would seem it was quite close, however i took the change to update the entire model by making new/cleaner topolgoy, bcs i dont know WHAT i was thinking back then making a model in such a low resolution, wtf Marko !!!! :D 

So the all parts are now new, all shiny and very much resin print compatible (put those 8k printers to use :D) , and i have also took the time to make several more cuts/printing split options that were requested last time, so i hope you will like those, like the option without screws so you can add metal caps for more realistic details and so on. 

When it comes to scaling - i didnt change anything, by some rough measurements i think the blade is the correct scale, but if you still feel its a bit long, let me know and i will add another blade option to the set. 

Second part is the Armorer project that is still a WORK IN PROGRESS - yes i said i'll take a break from making armors, but guess that was a fail XD

Unfortenatelly i didnt manage to wrap up the chest piece just yet - still not feeling the overall shape, so will need a few more days, but yes, soon we will have the parts needed to build yourself the Mandalorian armorer.

Now this may also seem like a perfect time to adress some of the things many people are not doing and that's - PICK OLD REWARDS :D , so i'm gonna engage you a bit :D 

I will not include the Armorer helmet and hammer as part of this months set bcs they are old rewards, so old members can just pick them, if not this month, then the next, and new members might use the chance to play with the "old rewards" system. 

So what is available is her forging tong tool - i did my best to make it as easy to print as possible, and i also made options for smaller print beds to be printed diagonally, as well a cutout for 8 mm rod/pipe/dovel for strength.

Once done i will also add the  chest armor, back armor, boot plates and belt greebllies to this months folder, and to complete the set you will ahve to pick the hammer and the helmet as part of your old rewards, so in case you're not sure what to pick for this month, that's a good start :D 

I do have quite a few things planned this month, my mistake was doing once again several things at once but will try to wrap up those ASAP so i can try to squeeze in as much as possible "smaller" items to this months patreon releases 

Thats it for now , wish you all have a great week and i'll make sure to have some nice things ready for you :)



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