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Ok boys and girls, new month

so a few words:

1 - from now on the new months project links will be sent on  5th of every months ( it has come to my attention that patreon is processing pledges for the first few days, and there were cases the links were sent out and some people didnt get htem bcs their pledge was not processed yet, so by the 5th it should all be done and no one should be skipped by accident)

2- boba fett armor - right now there are TONS of people stabbing at the armor, picking the details apart wich means there will be several updates down the line as new images come to light or new information that was not availalbe before

one of the firs of such updates is the cutouts for the fettputer electronics, here is the link, and you can also see a test in action ( just the photo, the video is in the FB group, bcs patroen doesnt like video sharing :D )  in the provided video by our own Shane Greenfield. i've made the test cutout from the new cutout plate, so we see how it matches to the electronics. One thing i love about this community is you really do put in the effort and help me with finding links to make our props funcitonal so i dont mind doing such updates


3. New project will be shared on the 5th with the new months link ( if all goes well)  and for new users in case you are not aware, just a quic info - this is not one of those patreon where i dump the files and you dont hear back from me for 30 day-  the models/projects get shared throughout the month , so we're always in touch, and something is happening all the time. 

4. - almost forgot - for the boba fett folder - i made an "UPDATES" FOLDER  in the "stl " files folder, so yo dont have to hunt for any upcoming updates, they will be added in that folder so its clear and nice

5. i plan to switch to new file sharing system in the upcoming weeks, had a meeting with my web developer today, he said the ifnal testing will begin at the end of next week, so please bear with me just a bit, all this "old project" library and file shraring, rewards and all of it will become much easier and much more user friendl

This is it for now, im jumping back to work, and thank you once again for the support, let me know also if you would like to see more live streams or stuff like that, not sure if tahts of interst to you, but since im expanding all of it, what the heck, lets make it even better if possible 



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