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Ok, boys and girls, time to take things a bit more seriouslly :) Just kidding, its all in good fun :D 

I have finally managed to put toegether a google form and the purpose of the named google form is for me to get a list of reliable sellers, makers, props shop owners and 3d printer owners in one place, so when i get contacted by potential clients across the world i can just send work your way if the client is in your area or if you are the best fit for him. I have menioned this idea almost 6 months ago, but so far no real steps were taken in that direction, so they were taken now :) 

 The idea (as it was mentioned) is to bring all of us a bit closer and if possible for me to send work your way. Not only props, but other 3d printed stuff as well, even cnc, laser engraving, and whatever tools you have at your disposal.

As some of you know my main focus is 3d design,  so i mostlly use my printers for test printing and i also do product design on the side so thats what my boys (the 3d printers :D :D ) are occupied with the most.

I dont sell 3d printed props, bcs i think it would be a dick move for me to play the game on both sides, thats why i encourage you to  sell the prints.  However I do get messages from cliens across the world to print stuff for them or to have simple things made and this is where i would love to get you involved more. By now i think the idea is pretty clear.  Ofc i can't promise the ammount of work, as it all depends on where the clients are from and what their requests are, but having your names/shops and contact info in one place will be of great help to make mysterymakers a global community and it would be my honor to have you part of it :) 

Now im sure you had enough of my chitchat, so here it the link, Thank you for your time once more :) 




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