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Thank you for supporting mysterymakers.

QUICK NOTE-if you have subscribed for the entire year, you will recive another message shortly after this one with all access links.

If you have subscribed for the month - You get this months, and last months projects as well, the welcome projects - all of that is right after these guidelines on how it all works, so click "see more" button to see the full message :)


K-16 blaster with "functional" trigger drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Tme4FbkvC8CJh5wa5_Vbh0o0gs2wrGU_?usp=sharing

Beebox bounty huner helmet drive.google.com/drive/folders/18rHovg_f99qdtG4gYKi1bFJutQ5l5c3S?usp=sharing

Havoc trooper statue https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11ht_jR3nvOKxqdEYMZT8Hn5ETPP5FV2f



THIS MONTH PROJECTS- as they are released they are added to the folder



2.After you hit 3 months mark of being a patreon supporter you unlock the old projects - You are now able to select 2 old projects each month on top of new ones.

Once you unlock this benefit just drop me a message and let me know wich file you would like,and I will get you set up. After 6 months of being a supporter you get to choose 1 full body armor 3d project - the full body armor projects have "*" in their name so you will know to set them apart. Here is the list/library of all models for you to check out, or visit mystermakers etsy store.


3. There is an option for ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION - you get all patreon models + 1 fully body armor of your choice + 10% discount on the total subscription + 30% discount in the shop

4. If you dont feel like waiting to unlock your rewards, you can buy older models with a 40% discount in the etsy store or by reaching out to me.

5. Selling/sharing/trading digital files/stl files is NOT ALLOWED.

6.A support group, as well a place to hang out, chat, show your work and get help if needed can be found here, so i invite you to join, there are some cool stuff in there:


Any questions you might have just let me know, and any suggestions you might have on how to improve all of it are welcome. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Once again, thank you and welcome to mysterymakers.


Added: 2024-08