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Hello everyone, this is a gameplay test video with added voice for Sarah, hope you like it.


Goddess Training Gameplay Voice 1



Darren van der Valk

The voice work was great! No doubt you picked the best Seiyuu for Sarah's character, fits her perfectly~ Curious if you'd consider adding special effects (SE) like reverb/echo to their voices when they're at larger sizes? Such that voice becomes processed and the sound reflects their scale. I think it would be interesting to hear the change in size reflected audibly ( ´ ω ` ) McBoosh has a lot of great examples of this, below is one such example: - https://twitter.com/ThaddeusMcBoosh/status/1584273841303351296 My favourite part here had to be the inclusion of the image event. Having more of this representation in the game that has you interacting with the world is something I've been hoping to see more of (´。• ᵕ •。`) I wish to see an increase in their use and frequency so we might see the scale (⸝⸝⸝╸w╺⸝⸝⸝)


Thanks for your interesting idea, Darren. And the video you recommend is great, I will try to do something to simulate it. 😄


Wow, I did not expect that, its add another dimension into game. I would like to know, if is possible to have even English voice over in future.


Hi, this game is anime style so Japan voice is the best fit, English voice is possible but it will add work and cost and I think more people will prefer Japan voice .