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Since I don't have much time to do it after focusing on making the new Goddess Training game, so it will be a rather short video.

I'm still learning more about animation so I'm not sure it'll be good but I'll do my best.

The video is expected to be released early next month.


I have a plan on a brand new game that will be announced in the next month's plan, it will be posted tomorrow.




Looks like our poll winner is sporting some nice heels xD . Didn't mention this yet, but it was surprising to see the poll being a closed tie to prinz. Even more so that there are people who voted for taihou, yay! 😆 No worries about the quality of the video, it's great that you're attempting these animations for us 😄 , take your time and besides with every animation made there's always something you have learned (^^).


Thank you Flan, every animation created, I learn more things to make the next animation better 😄


Always like hearing from you man cause not everybody responds all the time so really appreciate the updates 😎👍🏾

Darren van der Valk

Josephs got it right. I’m grateful for letting us know where things are at, not to mention it gives a little teaser to get people hyped for the final product. No doubt that includes me! I have two main ideas of where this might be going so will be interesting to see how things play out. Glad that I'm left in suspense as it'll make the viewing all the better. Honestly the best way to learn is to do, so you're doing exactly what you need to improve. The addition of having the added element of releasing it for viewing helps in preventing the product from being worked on indefinitely, easy to fall into that trap. Not to mention you got us to review and make suggestions, which for learning can be sorely underrated! Thanks for tackling this and don't be afraid to fail. Your work is already great and inspiring.


Thanks Darren, I'm still trying to do more animation to learn how to do it better, and I would love to finish it as soon as possible to start my next game project. 😆