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Happy holidays 😄, as announced, today I will releasing a new Goddess Training game for Tier $5 or higher :

English version :


Japanese version :


Finally, Merry Christmas everyone 😆




The link for this one is down, could you provide a new one?


Season's greetings 😊, here's to wishing everyone a very merry Christmas 🎄🎁🎉


All hope we all have a Merry Christmas 🎄✨👏 This year


Hey NyaGato just got done playing the new game. Nice job on the work man and once again Merry Christmas 😎✨


Merry Xmas! 🎁😊 (sorry for the repeated message😅, it's now officially Christmas in this timezone XD)

Darren van der Valk

It's that time of year again, Nya sleighing us with another wonderful gift to wrap up the year. The bow on top being the lovely wishes from everyone here. Thank you all for being an amazing community and to you Nya for proving us with not only a place for all of us to interact but also all the great content. Christmas gets better every year with all of you around. With all that said and done, I believe it's time to say the thing. Ahem; merry Christmas all! Go out, be spoilt, spoil others and most of all have a lovely day with friends and family. Will see you all back here soon.


I did try to run the Linux version, it does load the start screen but crashes as soon as I click new game, I know you have no way of fixing this but I figured I'd give you the error message anyways: ... # # Fatal error in , line 0 # Failed to create ICU number format, are ICU data files missing? # ==== C stack trace =============================== 1: ?? 2: v8::internal::NumberFormat::InitializeNumberFormat(v8::internal::Isolate*, v8::internal::Handle, v8::internal::Handle, v8::internal::Handle) 3: v8::internal::Runtime_CreateNumberFormat(int, v8::internal::Object**, v8::internal::Isolate*) 4: ?? ...


I'm sorry about this, I don't have a Linux device to use and check for that error :(


Its fine, I can still play it on Windows and it works, its just that Linux is more convenient. And besides, if it gives you the option to export it for a system, you might as well right? Linux is increasingly becoming the world's most popular operating system so its pretty worth while to support it for people too. But don't worry about it for your projects if you don't want to, its not really that important.


Yes, if it gives me the option to export it for a system, I can do it. Although RPG maker gives me the option to export to Linux device but still can't run good on it. I hope it will support Libux better in future.


So where am I supposed to put the mountain that blocks the plane


Hello, you need to change the position of the mountain blocking the plane to another place for the plane to continue moving forward.


that didn't seem to work but i'll try again, it's not a specific place is it?


GODDESS of darkness... OF course, I don't care how she gives it. (mecha omoshiroi ww) TIME has been added to the turn-based system. Therefore, combat in the GAme is difficult to do leisurely. If you make a MIstake or TAke your turn late, you may have to press F5 Immediately to try again if you lose the battle.