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I think he should spend his retirement having babies and im not wrong




Whoever the dad is *cough Childe cough* is gonna have to watch Zhongli like a hawk. How many baby toys/ supplies will he accidentally take without paying for? I get the feeling he'd be so reserved when it comes to his pregnancy.


He really should tbh XD Like he can retire and get pampered in the best possible ways and get spoiled rotten OMG <3 I bet when he is craving something he just waltzes into a shop and stuffs his face full of it and literally looks like a cutie patootie but he cant just do that lol Also OMG OMG OMG I bet he finds this one precious toy or blanket tht he must have for the baby and he kinda keeps it with him constantly like hes almost as attached to it as his baby will be and like he doesnt want to leave it not until he gives it to his newborn <3


Ahaha too true, hopefully childe will just appear behind him with money in hand, or maybe they just start a tab 😂