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Its been a long time, but im thinking about Them again 👀




OH GOSH :O; Poor Cyan cant catch a break can he goodness ;o; But dang this is freaking so good holy heck and just double the eggs goodness how is he even gonna function to do tasks with so much weight ;o; Goodness needs him a brace at this point ahhhh this is so good! -flails-


😱 I totally forgot that Cyan was carrying a new batch of eggs for Yellow. Dang Red is hella jealous! Poor Cy is gonna be stuck on that floor until those eggs come out. I’m so excited to see them again!


Yeppp tasks arent gunna be easy with two big broods inside him 😣 he'll need some help for sure!


Red is way too possessive of what belongs to him, and he doesnt like another imposter playing with his breeder 😤 poor cyan is just left to deal with the consequences