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Look.....just because everyone else knows hes pregnant doesnt mean he needs to know.... 😂😂




Oh gosh I love him so much ;o; Also OMG some good denial it's always fun to explore a fella in denial of his current state and gosh he is pretty big too ;o; Goodness he really does seem overdue on top of it hopefully when it comes time to give birth he will be able to get through it but if he is denying it that much goodness thats going to be really rough ;o; Ahhhh love the poses again and how grumpy he looks :3


Yup! Hes a grumpy dude that wont listeb to anyone, even if they're right! It will cost him 😂


Wow he is ripe to pop. The good news about not listening to everyone is that it tends to lead to an equally interesting birth. Love the death stare, too bad he’s too cute for it to be scary.


It definitely will! He'll have to admit he's wrong sooner or later 👀 and yeppp he'd be a lot more threatening if he wasn't so small ahaha