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guys... i dont think peter looks so good today, maybe hes sick?

i tried to do a cut away thing, so hopefully it looks ok??? 




The cutaway thing turned out great honestly I love how you did it too I imagine it being like one of those animations where you see whats going on above first then you get the zoom in and the fade to the real meat of the stituation thats a really nice touch and seeing just whats going on under the desk is amazing OMG and goodnesss he should have stayed home from uni today like just little one was eager to come out and meet the rest of the class I suppose but goodness that has to be hard to stay quiet ;o; Poor fella is gonna need a lot of help by the time this is over goodness and that lecture is probably HELLA long on top of it ;o; But ahhh this turned out great love love love it keep up the awesomeness!!!!


I love what you did with this piece the different views are incredibly well done. Peter really is the king of bad choices. We all know he didn't think this through and totally thought he could give birth and leave with a newborn without anyone knowing.


Thank you! I'm glad they worked out! And he really is, I'm just imagining him at the end of class finally giving birth and just leaning back in his chair with his newborn in his hands like "can someone call an ambulance?"


Ahh thank you that's super sweet! Peter has definitely put himself in a situation!