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And some stuff ive been doodling




OMG Some mega cuties right here all bundled up in a cute sketch pile!!!! :D Love seeing tiefling boy again he is so freaking precious lookit him <3 Also AHHHH FLUFFY PIERS IS FLUFFY looks like a mega ampharos which is ADORABLE also Leon with dat hair floof ready to have comfy cozy champions day off is cute af too and LIOS TUM ON HIS TINY FRAME IS FLIPPIN PRESH love how big his tum is cause goodness shows who got him preggy X3 Ahhh these are all great holy cupcakes!!!! :D


Love how poofy Piers' hair is. Honestly he should consider a brand for that mane of his! Teifling boy is back (I forgot if he had a name or not) but I'm glad to see some more of him, he was so cute. Leon is looking like one proud papa as well. Poor Lilo always has a big belly because of tiny he is, it just makes him so much more adorable.


Thank you! He could definitely have some very impressive hair care sponsors for his giant tendrils of hair! He could probably use the free shampoo a lot 😂 and honestly I can't really remember either lol but I've been in a big mood for feelings recently! And yepp poor Lio always having to lug around his big belly!