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i mean at least zach is comfortable giving birth with an audience already




OMG Zach boyo gdi I know you wanna be the best spooky boy you can be but OMG you can't be showing up with a baby bout out of you man the meeting is gonna get derailed (in the best way but still!!!) ;o; GDI I love him okay XD Zach is a precious boy and I love how he is like WELP IMMA JUST HAVE IT HERE WITH MAH BOYS lol XD Ahhhh this turned out great!! BTW I absolutely adore how the boys look here Zach looking like the cool dude he is and Devon looks like he is like WELP ZACH BEING ZACH AGAIN and Kale all innocent like ummmm what XD Love love love it <3 Also really love that buldge whatever he has coming out has to be huge !!! Ahhh this turned out amazing <3


Zach it looks like the baby is already on the way out. I think now is the time for a little bit of panic (though I love this face in panel 2). At least he's in a place were people can offer some sort of help or panic depending on how the other spooky boys react. Also it's been a while since we've seen them and I didn't realize how much I missed them. Great job as usual.


Ahhhh thank you!! He's definitely derailed this meeting completely, but at least he's not alone! I'm sure everyone will forgive him very quickly after, especially after pushing out whatever is inside him! And yeppp devon is once again unimpressed by zachs life choices and kale is just confused lol


Yeppppp it's too late to do anything but push for zach, but at least he has some help and company! I'm sure the spooky boys will help him through it best they can! And it has been a while, I miss them a lot, so it's fun to see them interacting again!