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Published: 2022-01

Published: 2022-01
From February 1, all doujins will be published exclusively for the patron, for those who signed up for $ 5. Who have a $ 3 subscription will have access to all past doujins. Now there will be 4 publications in different translations in English and Chinese. Kerei and Japanese are still in question. 3-6 color pages for audience recruitment will be published on similar sites. thanks for understanding

從 2 月 1 日起,所有同人誌將專為贊助人發布,對於那些以 5 美元註冊。訂閱 3 美元的人將可以訪問所有過去的同人誌。 現在將有4種不同版本的中英文譯本。 Kerei和日本人仍然存在疑問。 3-6個用於觀眾招募的彩頁將在類似網站上發布。 感謝您的理解

Published: 2022-01