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Hey guys I wanna thank everyone who shared their kind words on here and elsewhere after the bombshell I dropped the other day. I'm still dealing with the fallout of this friendship debacle, but things are starting to go better. I no longer feel  pure dread in my stomach when I work on something other than -that- person's commission.

Now I just feel slightly anxious. Slow going.

To give everyone an update on what I've done today;

I finished up 3 panels for a private commission and only have 3 more to do, so getting that out of the way is a good thing.

I lined the last panels of how to care for your nymph, they just need colored.

I worked on some other random commission stuff.

Did some re-lining for the remaster of JocGo.

Worked on some of the money shot bits of Alpha to Zeta Z.

So honestly it felt pretty good to get that much done.

I don't have anything I can show this instant, but I should have something I can show later this week.

I will be attending a get together later this week and it feels like its been a hundred years since i've gone and done something like this. It might just be the thing I need to help me refresh.


Anime Guy

I am sorry you had to go through that. I lost a good friend over a stupid argument years ago. Needless to say I overreacted and said something I shouldn't have. I regret that but there is nothing I can do now. I do hope you will feel better after your get together.