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Legit for the last several months, about 6 and a half to be exact, I have been emotionally abused and harassed by someone I once called a friend, no  a GOOD friend.

This is my public statement about what happened.

I will not be doing any of the following: Sharing any receipts, naming any names, or expecting any sympathy from anyone. This was always my cross to carry but now its time to fess up to everyone.

A while ago I agreed to take on a commission from a person whom I have been friends with for lets just say the better part of 8 years. This person has for the most part seemingly been a warm, caring, and all around responsible human being.

I'm not going to bore you with the exacts, just know that I trusted this person.

I told them I would do a series of commission for them for a reduced price because of our history.

The first 2 pieces were simple portraits that I'm not allowed to share nor do I want to as they remind me of this person.

As time went on the commissions became more and more fetish oriented, which I prefer, because this is literally half of my livelihood is drawing fetish art.

However, the person seemed to start showing some very frightening warning signs that I did not pick up on.

To put it bluntly, they assumed because I would draw these sorts of things for them (once again not shared on here or anywhere else, private art) that I would do these sorts of things with them.

It didn't help that I flirted with this person because we have a history as friends and I tend to be, well at least used to be before all this happened, attracted to my best friends.

I would have called this person one of my best friend prior to all this.

Before I knew it, I owed them a series of commissions that would under normal circumstances, with me working consistently on them, a decent amount of time to complete.

Around this time I drew a boundary with this person and explained that I am not looking for -that- kind of relationship with anyone, let alone someone who I am good friends with. I've learned over the years that relationships can kill your strongest friendships because jealousy and just love in general can be intoxicating and just as life destroying as any hard drug.

So once I had made it clear that flirting of any kind was pretty much off the table-- something changed in them.

All of a sudden this person became abusive, manipulative, hurtful, confrontational, and an all around unpleasant person to be around.

Now I owe them god knows how many pieces of art and suddenly NOTHING about the art is right. Because they learned that the only time I'd talk to them consistently is about art. So they prolonged the process.

All of a sudden the art was not right, no matter what. I'd fully complete said art, everything would be fine, then the moment I sent them the fully colored piece-- bam. Not good enough, not right. They'd request basically a full redraw.

Obviously because me and this person have a history and a friendship, I would give them the benefit of the doubt and restart the work.

In the last 3ish months, they began upping the abuse.

They'd get ahold of my other friends, say bad things about me, call me, bother my family ect.

I'd get berated on messenger apps. And the more I'd try to finish the work and get the shit done and over with so I wouldn't have to do it it anymore and cut ties, the more they'd find reasons for it to not be good enough.

A few days ago things finally came to a head.

I told them how I felt about this. What I thought was going on.

I told them no more. Either cut it out with the pickiness, or take a refund.

Now they are acting all sorts of a fool.

I will ultimately have to refund them a hefty sum, I am done doing this.

All the times I'd tell you guys "hey I'm busy on commissions" that's what I was talking about. Every time I'd seem like I'd disappear, it sbecause my anxiety was so high I couldn't even bring myself to interact online.

I'd go on da/twitter/whtaever and just try to pretend things were good but they weren't.

I held it in to myself for way too long.

They literally railroaded this 'business' of mine. They basically made my life a living hell for months.

Now I had to pay out 2k of my own money starting from the middle of january to the middle of febuary because my Grandparents, the coolest people in the world were being royally fucked monetarily.

Having to balance having that massive of an income hit at the same time as dealing with this former friend was not something that was easy on me.

So one thing I want to say to EVERY single one of you that continued to support me during this slow few months. Thank you. You are the VIPS of my life. I mean it. You guys rock. I could not have gotten through this without you. Yes I'm still struggling monetarily, I don't expect anyone to help me out. I feel I owe you guys way more art than I've provided in the last few months.

I don't want anyone to increase their pledges, or offer me any kind of support like that. All I want from you guys  is to understand that I am truly sorry for this slow period. Things have not been good. I've dealt with someone I thought was a friend and turned into a monster.

Someone who is actively trying to turn my RL friends against me right now.

I plan on moving forward with all this by completely scrapping their commissions, refunding them in increments, and then trying to recover from the massive blow to my pocket book.

So what does that mean for you guys? Well the end of How to care for your nymph is near.

There are a bunch of other commissions from sane, good hearted people that I neglected when I worked on this 'friends' commission that I can now focus on.

And oh yeah, Alpha to Zeta Z's final parts are coming together nicely.

Thanks again for all of your support over these slow months. Thank you for helping me in every way you did. Once again, I don't expect anyone to increase their pledges after reading my sob story, all I want is you to keep enjoying my art in the capacity that you do and accept my apology. I love you guys. Thank you.



Damnn, that's nuts, sorry you had to go through with all that psyco mess. Hope things get better.


I wouldn't have been able to imagine that if you hadn't said it. I'm sorry for everything this person has put you through. I can't speak for anyone else here but i support you and your work and hope that this hasn't ruined it for you. I wish you the best.