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So, as you all know, I've been grinding away at completing my backlog of commissions. I really don't want to go into valentines day this year with another massive backlog.

Balancing drawing the comics I know you guys love to see with all the commissions I've got can be a bit of a overwhelming task but I think I'm doing okay.

Alpha to Zeta Z's final pages are still being worked on, but they're slow going as many of them contain 'money shots' which require a lot of extra time and care.

How to Care for your nymph is actually progressing faster than I expected, I hope to have the next page up sometime tomorrow night.

But onto the big reason I made this post.

As I clear out these coms  (I'm nearly finished with the private ones) and move forward to new projects there's something I've always wanted to do.

Getting into deep Kivala lore here so hold onto your butts.

One of the first pieces of TG fiction I ever read online was Ruth White's the Guinea pig.

Now I could sing the praises of this story all day long, or Ruth White's attention to detail and unapologetic cruelness in her stories, but I wont. I think my work speaks for itself, I've drawn a lot, I mean a LOT of inspiration from Ruth's Guinea Pig stories.

So why bring it up?

Well I've always dreamed of the Guinea Pig being made into something more than a story. Ideally I'd love to see it made into a film but that's not likely, only smutty literature aimed at middle aged house wives ever get made into big budget films, not ones for cultured people such as us.

But I really do fantasize about maybe sitting down and illustrating that story, not the whole thing, but portions of it. Maybe as a proof of concept. Obviously its not my story, so it'd be fanart, not an official illustration but it'd be my way of giving back to that tale that has shaped my tastes in tsf stuff.

So PERHAPS after I finish the current Minzy arc (alpha to zeta z into dolly dearest into Gyaru Staru 2) I might actually sit down and try to illustrate my favorite scenes from the guinea pig.

Just something I'm considering.

Are there any old school tg stories you guys read back in the day that you'd like to see someone adapt?

I'd love to hear about them.


Osprey Hawk

Aw, man! Guinea Pig was one of my first TG stories too! Anther couple I still love are "Days" and "Bikini Beach House Carwash: The Revenge". The latter one would make for a better comic than days as the changes are more offscreen, but Days has the change happen with each orgasm which is hot.


I've read Bikini Beach House Carwash but not Days. I'll have to check that one out. I had read maybe 2 other TG stories before the Guinea pig, I still go back and read it every once in a while. Once I was even working with someone to have them audio narrate it but it fell through. Its such a classic. Also spells r us the road house is another early one I read that I still love to this day.

Osprey Hawk

A slightly more recent TG story that I love is "Second Puberty". Delightful gradual change with them becoming an insatiable slut.