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here's the thing LIVE 06/30/20



I just have a comment on Theological Thursdays. I think a good disclaimer would be to let people know that your stance is from a Christian perspective and based on Christian values. So saying that to say, I feel Jackie’s interview was good because she spoke from her OWN experience as a Christian that also has same sex attraction and that was HER story on how she was able to come to know God and allow God to change her views on not just her sexuality but her heart as a whole (she mentioned pride, envy, gossip etc). So I think people need to realize that if you’re not a Christian and you don’t agree with Christianity and you don’t even believe in Christian doctrine (i.e. many people don’t believe in the concept of sin) than those conversations are probably not for you! And that’s ok!! To me it’s like if I were listen to a conversation about someone that is Muslim and then I get mad at their beliefs like I have to hold myself to that standard. I don’t!!! I’m not Muslim so whatever they believe is fine for them but I know for me personally their doctrines and religious rules don’t apply to me. I just wish people would start having more mature conversations. Jackie did not use hate speech, she did not say all gay people are going to hell, she simply stated her beliefs based on Christian doctrines and she spoke from her experience. What is wrong with that?


As a LGBTQ+ individual who grew up in Church (White Conservative Methodist Church) I will say just you talking about the videos reminded me of negative experiences I have had at Church by my fellow Christians. With that said, I am really happy to see you taking this journey and having these conversations.