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Welcome to the Kevonstage Studios Patreon. Here are a few housekeeping notes to help you get settled in.

Usual Live Schedule

Monday Gin & Juice 12ish pm PST

Tuesday: Here’s The Thing Main 9:15ish am PST. 

The Bald and The Beautiful 11ish am PST

Friday: Here’s The Thing Bonus 9:15ish am PST

If this changes which it often does at least for the bonus we try to make a post about it or say it at the end of the main episode on Tuesday. Here's the thing bonus is the most flexible. The rest are usually constant. We leave these up in case you missed them.

Patreon Issues

If you are having an issue seeing the content please log all the way out of your Patreon account and then log back in.  This should reset your account and give you access.  If this does not fix the issue please email Cat at admin@kevonstage.com (mailto:admin@kevonstage.com). She will assist you. 

Stage Krew Discord link  https://discord.gg/GbJPJk7 (https://discord.gg/GbJPJk7) we use this to communicate outside of patreon.

Patreon Chat is already a part of patreon. We use that to communicate inside of patreon .

This message system is not regularly monitored.  If you have question or need assistance please email Cat at admin@kevonstage.com (mailto:admin@kevonstage.com).  

Patreon has a search feature in the top right corner of the Patreon

feed.  This will allow you to search for specific content.  Such as the bonus episodes.


Consistent shows are organized into collections. If you want to see something from your favorite show you wont have to scroll all the way down the Timeline.

God bless you thank you for joining. We hope you stay a long time.


Added: 2024-02
Thank you so much for your support. It really means a lot to us. We ain't got no jobs. So this helps prevent us from selling narcotics to feed our families. We aren't built for the drug game. We just aren't. We're comedians. Thanks for keeping us OUT of the drug game.

Also if you have questions email admin@kevonstage.com

The message box gets way too full to be helpful. The Admin email is monitored. 

Added: 2023-10