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Hey everyone! More images added to the Bullies 15 folder. You can find it on the previous link.

Have to apologize for a bit of inactivity this past week. It's been a year since my dad passed away and we had a big gathering and stuff. This next week I'm going to be totally free though and I anticipate I will be able to finally finish the comic.

Hope you enjoy the latest images!


Derps McGerps

Like I said in the previous update, the repeated use of this position makes for a fun point of reference on how big the girls are getting. It was fun to go look back at when they did the same thing in parts 7 and 9/10 and see how big they were relative to the tinies and their surroundings. On a side note, maybe third time's the charm that Hannah gets Kate to return the favor on going down on her uninitiated?


Indeed they're getting quite big! And there's going to be a little unique fun this time. ;)

Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Oh my god. I seriously have no idea what I’m gonna do when this story inevitably ends someday (hopefully not any time soon!). Hannah is by far one of my favorite giantess characters ever. Her lips and mouth are just so freaking amazing. This chapter just continues to get better and better!

juejiang liu

Hope to see full picture

Chryme TV

Any good news for the next update