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Hey guys! The folder has been updated again. You should find the newest images on the same link as the previous post. More images to come at the end of this weekend again I think.

And I want to thank you all for the support! Sorry I've been so inactive in the past few months, but now I've gotten into a good rhythm of working and things are looking up.

Also, this month's comic after Bullies is going to be Sociopathic 10, and on the $20 tier I'm going to publish the previous five Sociopathic comics tomorrow, if anyone needs to catch up.

See you again soon!


Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

Oh boy, the next set of photos is gonna be great I can tell!! Hannah is by far one of my favorite giantesses!


today next upgrade ? :)


Hey sorry, guests took up my weekend. Working on it now. Either tomorrow or the day after.