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Hey guys, hope you're all doing well. I have to apologize again, should've been done with the comic by now but I'm only half-way through it.

Long story short, I quit my day job on Friday. It was a job that I got when the pandemic started and was supposed to be a work from home job, but it kept getting more demanding and more trips to the office lately for stuff that could've been just video calls.

I became fed up with it, especially because the pay wasn't great either and most of the time when I was done with it, even though I had the time afterwards, I never really had the energy or the mood to work on my comics. And whenever something else came up, I had no time either.

And if I'm being perfectly honest, I make more doing this than that supposedly 'real' job. Especially if I factor in all the delays that I've had in the past. So I decided to call it quits and focus on doing this for at least the next few months.

I'm going to need about 10 days to finish the comic properly, so it's probably going to be just past the 1st. That's why I'm most likely going to pause charges for next month so I can catch up and work on Bullies as soon as I'm done with Sociopathic.

I'm very sorry again, but hopefully, and for real this time, I can truly focus and doing what I actually enjoy doing. I will send out the full comic for everyone that has supported me the past month, but if enough people want, I can release the 2nd third of the comic around the end of this week.


SW Riddick

Sounds like you've made a positive change, good on ya!


Good luck! I hope for all the best! A bold move but I respect it! Can’t wait for the remainder of sociopathic 8!


Seeing i'm the big multisize fan I wouldn't mind to see part 2/3 early :)


Thanks! It should translate in more comics on my end too, as well as experiments and stuff like that. :)


Thanks man! It's been a long time coming, and because your support I won't be desperate to get a new job that I won't like. :)


Thank you for the update and sorry about the job. Hopefully it’ll be a positive change of pace for you though. As for when the comic comes out, I’m fine with waiting for the whole thing if that makes it easier for you. Although I wouldn’t mind a teaser image or two while we wait.


Absolutely! You’ll always have my support and if needed I can spare a few more bucks! I’m glad you’ll be able to do what you like (and are very good at should add!) Looking forward to all you have planned.

Zachary P (rabidsquirrel44)

I’m a simple man. I see the words “Bullies” and “soon” in the same sentence, I press like. Lol, in all seriousness tho, hope all goes well! Really glad to hear you’ll potentially be able to focus on what you enjoy more now!


Glad you quit and can focus on doing what makes you happy! Can't wait for the new releases XD


Thanks man! Appreciated. Looks like I will post another part before I release the whole comic. Expect something at the end of the weekend.


Thanks! It's quite liberating and hopefully translates into more quality stuff from me. :)


Great! I’m glad to hear it!


Will there be an hard vore/vore from Hale?


Haha sounds good to me! I kind of figured! Will there be any other vore at all in part 8? Just curious!


All good! I understand. Not trying to get spoiled by it! I’m just looking forward to it all! Hope your first week with this as a full time has been nice for you!


if youre leaving your day job you might want to try finding a way to advertise youre stuff a bit more. I'm sure there's still a big audience who haven't found your content yet. I only found you after I saw a comic leaked on PH